Mandate of the Eurostat Working Group


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Presentation transcript:

Mandate of the Eurostat Working Group To help ensure the effective implementation within the Community Statistical Programme of the EU Action Plan on developing a comprehensive and coherent strategy to measure crime and criminal justice by co-ordinating the contribution of the national statistical authorities within the European Statistical System to the various activities included in the Action Plan To examine the indicators and tools proposed by the Expert Group on the policy needs for data on crime and criminal justice, and to identify approaches for statistical data collections required to provide indicators and tools under the Action Plan To prepare methodological approaches, to discuss guidelines and to arrange and monitor the collection of statistical data required to provide relevant indicators and tools To report to the Directors of Social Statistics on the implementation of the Action Plan, including evaluating the progress made and making recommendations for future actions To identify specific tasks within the European Statistical System relevant to the Action Plan for delegation to task forces, and to propose the mandates and members of such task forces To serve as a forum of information within the European Statistical System concerning relevant statistical research and development activities or results in the area of crime and criminal justice statistics to be taken into account in the implementation of the Action Plan Cynthia Tavares 22 November 2007