MOL Consolidation Service Operations Training - by HQ Operations 2013
Agenda Objectives of Training Expectations Standard Shipping Cycle Vendor Education/Management Vendor Pre-booking Compliance Vendor Booking PO Management Shipping Approval Cargo Receiving Late Come Delivery Overtime Delivery 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Agenda FCR and HBL Basic Knowledge Container Load Planning Factory Load Container Drayage Vessel Schedule and Carrier Allocation Book with Carrier Export License/Export Clearance Carrier B/L Difference between B/L and SWB Definition of “Job” Documentation FCR & Local Charges FCR and HBL Basic Knowledge 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Objectives of Training Support commitment from MOL Managements to promote MCS business Support new origins for services expansion Develop highly capable and professional team Provide effective training so as to minimize impacts by inexperienced or new employees Less depends ‘on-the-job’ training especially during peak season Broaden employees’ understanding Enhance data integrity 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Expectations Understand MCS business Understand standard services and value-added services required Understand the standard shipping cycle Understand basic day-to-day operations work Understand Starlink function Understand the reason behind of our daily operations work 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Standard Operations Procedure SOP is one of most important documents in daily operations. Please ensure SOP compliance to avoid any complaints and potential claims from customers. 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
MCS Consolidation Operation Flow – CFS/CY 7
MCS Consolidation Operation Flow – CY/CY 8
MCS Consolidation Operation Flow – AIR 9
Vendor Education Program Vendor Invitation Vendor Workshop Vendor Manual Factory Visit SOP communication 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Vendor Pre-booking Compliance Contact vendor (not the factory for triangular trade) at customer specified timeline (e.g. 2 weeks before ship window) of delivery status for ‘no activity’ PO’s) Communicate with vendor (not the factory if it is a triangular trade orders) by email/fax but not ONLY phone call Michael Stores vendor will get Starlink generated Open PO Report – 21 days prior to PO cancel date and 14 days prior to PO cancel date Update event into Starlink web for early/late delivery against PO’s ship window System to generate ‘inactivity’ PO report or email to customers – Depends on customer’s requirements 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Vendors Booking Establish booking closing standard to avoid too many late bookings. Normally it should be 7-10 days prior CFS closing. Use standard booking form with customers specific requirements if necessary to minimize missing or incorrect data Well communicate with vendor of mandatory data to avoid delay or miss the vessel for last minute booking Accept booking from vendors via internet, email or fax Reconcile PO/Item details against PO information as per SOP Pay attention if ‘No Doc No Ship’ and/or any special license required prior to shipment 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
PO Management If PO monitoring is required but PO not found for booked PO/Item, follow SOP to handle missing PO Verify with vendor if missing PO due to typo in booking Measure frequency of missing PO if necessary Send missing PO notice (if needed) upon receipt of booking – don’t wait System team may need to be informed to contact counter part in customer’s office or send ‘PO request’ – follow SOP. If necessary, manual input PO (if it’s not prohibited) to avoid long delay of EDI transmission according to customer’s approval. 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Shipping Approval Possible shipment approval on exception: Cost early/late shipment (with or without grace period) Over/short ship against ordered quantity with or without allowance % Partial shipment CY booking LCL or 20’ shipment Light Load Non-standard consignment as per SOP (e.g. ‘To order..’ etc.) Different FOB point Missing PO/Item Missing specific document (e.g. inspection certificate) Mix Load Some customers may want to approve all shipments Shipment approval may be handled by local or regional office Cost 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Vessel Schedule and Carrier Allocation As per local published schedule With SI, consolidator’s CFS and carrier’s CY closing Restricted for nominated carriers/services Regional or local buying office may ask monthly vessel schedule Carrier allocation Nominated by consignee with specific allocation percentage 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Book with Carrier Select booking carrier as per carrier allocation, plus spaces/equipment availability YTD allocation and seasonal cargo volume If necessary, pre-book spaces/equipment base on volume projection and/or last week shipment to protect spaces/equipment during peak season Regular meeting or phone call with carriers to collect market or carrier specific update to relay to customer if necessary for anticipated space/equipment disruption Co-ordinate with shipper/warehouse/carrier for ‘late gate’ request Pay attention of earlier ETA but later ETD for urgent shipment 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Cargo Receiving at CFS Warehouse CFS Warehouse shall only receives cargo with valid MCS booking confirmation(S/O) Request Packing List attach with S/O if more details on packing list Tallyman to check: All carton in good condition (no wet, crushed/torn cartons) Photos must be taken during unloading if any problems found and report to MCS office at same time Verify PO/Item on carton marks against PO/Item on Shipping Order (S/O) Counts number of package, measure L x M x W and weigh per PO/ITEM If actual CBM, KGS is +/-10% vs. booking, warehouse need to re-confirm measurement is correct, Marks palletized cargo and records # of pallets received Issue Mate Receipt to trucker with actual number of packages , total CBM , total weight (vendor must submit Dock Receipt to exchange FCR) 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Late Come Delivery Late come delivery request Due to delay of production, cargo only can be delivered after normal CFS closing Flexibility v.s. Discipline Establish ‘Late Come Request’ closing to ensure proper arrangement (with warehouse and/or carrier) in advance Letter of Indemnity may needed so vendor shall bear all incurred expenses (if any) including dead freight due to ‘no show’ or shortage Consult with your supervisor and local manager on any exceptional cases handling if you are not sure about it. 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Overtime Delivery Overtime delivery Cargo delivers after normal warehouse operating hours To catch up last day closing or to avoid holding up the truck overnight Establish local overtime delivery request tariff To recover incurred expenses with warehouse Charge per truck (or every certain CBM) with minimum plus waiting hours Consult with your supervisor and local manager on any exceptional cases handling if you are not sure about it. 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Container Load Planning - 1 Plan containers as per customer’s SOP (i.e. by DC, by vendor/PO, by Style, by Size etc.) Plan and load FCL and larger size container whenever possible Select equipment plan to minimize ocean freight when alternatives exist upon customer’s approval. Mixed DC to maximize container utilization if mixed DC container is allowed. Seek approval (if needed) earlier whenever possible for light load and/or 20’ Approval may also needed for CY/CY 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Container Load Planning - 2 Do not force shipper to deliver cargo as CFS if we have no other CFS cargo to consolidate and CY/CY loading is allowed Even with overflow cargo, refer to SOP if consolidator can hold overflow PO for next week’s consolidation Avoid PO split across containers unless the PO volume is too big to fit into one container or the need to maximise container utilisation Never split PO across vessel for same shipment without separate set of document for customs clearance Vendor is subject to CFS stuffing charge, prorated THC/drayage (if paid by vendor) For CFS/CY container, take digital photo (1) inside of empty container (2) half loaded (3) loaded container with container# by closing one door 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Container Load Planning - 3 Final loading details must be provided by warehouse timely right after loading Warehouse to follow up if loaded container arrive carrier CY prior to CY closing Conduct ‘Floor Check’ whenever possible after the last container (for the target vessel) loaded but before leaving the CFS warehouse operations team to receive final/actual load plan to along with: Tally record with container#/seal# Loading check sheet (with date/time stamp and signature) Dock Receipt of container received by carrier Report any exception(s): Cargo for particular PO/Item not found Late come cargo with shortage or ‘no show’ Overflow cargo cannot fit into container as per CLP plan Wrong loading etc. 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Factory Load (CY/CY) Vendor with enough cargo to build FCL so as to save CFS stuffing charge For origins with no CFS warehouse available No or limited vendors with available cargo to consolidate Consolidator may still need to verify the load plan comply with customer’s loading requirements as per SOP Vendor is subject to CY Handling Charge (i.e. CY Administration Fee), THC and drayage etc. 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Container Drayage Usually handled by CFS warehouse for CFS/CY shipments Avoid to plan, load and return loaded container on CY cut off day to avoid space/equipment, traffic congestion problem during the peak season Co-ordinate with carrier and shipper to avoid storage charge For CY/CY shipment except under ‘Ex-work’ term, drayage is arranged by vendor at their own expense If origin is ready to provide trucking service for vendors, especially CY shipments, operations team can conduct a telephone sale when talking to vendors. 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Export License/Export Clearance This may be a MUST by local law that the shipper should have had export license before shipment Consolidator and carrier are also responsible to enforce this regulation Application and issuance may via EDI and/or local web application Establish control process with operations to enforce and double check if license(s) needed for particular booking If license required: For CFS/CY, except for late come cargo, no booking will be included in container load plan unless license has received For CY/CY shipment, no empty container will be released (if operational possible) without license Establish control point (if needed) to inform carrier to stop container at port if no license received prior to CY closing Maintain signed record with license # whoever receives license within the office 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
24 Hours Advance Manifest (AMS) Vendors must be informed of SI Closing in advance AMS is filed by carrier with info provided by consolidator via SI. If there is Manifest Amendment charge and any incurred expenses or penalty imposed by US Customs, the party who request the amendment shall bear all incurred expenses and penalty Merchandise description must be specific enough in comply with US Customs regulation HTS # is optional unless required by customer as per SOP For CFS/CY container, consolidator is still allowed by US Customs as ‘shipper’ on B/L. Otherwise, it must be the actual shipper Refer to US Customs publications of required data elements which must be provided by consolidator 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Carrier B/L Submit B/L instruction to carrier/NVOCC via internet, email or fax Services contract # usually need to show on B/L Ocean freight may need to validate or be shown on B/L as per SOP AMS charge to vendor or to consignee (as collected) as per SOP Prepare B/L as per SOP which usually per vessel per destination with or without maximum # container per B/L Separate B/L for quota, non-quota and wild-life cargo If possible, use ‘MOL Consolidation Service xxx O/B various Shipper’ as shipper name for CFS/CY shipment Consignment and Notify Party as per SOP and notify customer on exception against vendor’s booking 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
OBL and SWB In which areas are the B/L and the SWB the same? They both function as a Receipt for cargo and Evidence of contract of carriage They both contain details about the shipment such as shipper, consigned, vessel, place of delivery, cargo description and date They must not be issued with a date different than the true issuance date/onboard date They are issued by the ocean carrier (VOCC) They obligate the carrier to ensure correct description of the goods They obligate the carrier to care for the cargo while in his custody They obligate the carrier to ensure that he releases the goods to the correctly entitled party at destination 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Difference between OBL and SWB In which areas are the B/L and SWB different? Ocean BL is a document of title. The Seaway Bill is not A SWB can’t be consigned “to order”, it must always state a consignee The B/L is printed in sets of originals and copies (often 3 originals). A SWB is only printed as copies The carrier doesn’t require an original SWB in order to release the goods at destination 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Same Carrier, Same Vessel, Same Voyage Same Origin, Same Destination Definition of “Job” Single Consignee Same Carrier, Same Vessel, Same Voyage Same Origin, Same Destination Same Ship Mode
Documentation – Document Upload Shipment level Ocean BL level Container level FCR level Booking level PO level
Documentation – Generic
1. Document Transmittal Advise Documentation – Generic Sorting 1. Document Transmittal Advise 2. Bill of Lading 3. Container Manifest 4. FCR 5. Packing List 6. Commercial Invoice For example: Certificate of Origin Country of Origin Declaration Fumigation certificate General Certificate of conformity 7. Other Document
1. Document Transmittal Advise Documentation – Generic Sorting One Job, Multiple B/L, Multiple Container, Multiple FCR 1. Document Transmittal Advise 2. Bill of Lading 2. Bill of Lading 2. Bill of Lading 3. Container Manifest 3. Container Manifest 3. Container Manifest 3. Container Manifest 4. FCR 4. FCR 4. FCR 4. FCR 4. FCR 4. FCR 5. Packing List 5. Packing List 5. Packing List 5. Packing List 5. Packing List 5. Packing List 6. Commercial Invoice 6. Commercial Invoice 6. Commercial Invoice 6. Commercial Invoice 6. Commercial Invoice 6. Commercial Invoice 7. Other Document 7. Other Document 7. Other Document 7. Other Document 7. Other Document 7. Other Document
Documentation - Michaels Stores
Documentation – MS Document Sorting Type of Document Broker Original Copy Bill of Lading (Seaway bill) 1 Commercial Invoice Packing & Weight List Container Manifest Insurance Certificate Certificate of Origin Country of Origin Declaration (textile declaration) Beneficiary Statement FCR Fumigation certificate General Certificate of conformity
Documentation – Document Checking Document Transmittal Advise Receiver Name Pouch Details Send Date Courier Number Consignee Name Shipment Details B/L#, Container# Document Details
Documentation – Document Checking Bill of Lading Receiver Name Consignee Name Notify Party & Also Notify Party Vessel, Voyage and Sailing Schedule Container#, Seal#, Shipping Marks, Description should match with SI Sailing Date
Documentation – Document Checking FCR Shipper Must show real shipper's name Consignee 1) Consignee name 2) To order (to order of xxx ),for Telex Release, must not show "to order" Notify Party 1)Same as consignee (as long as consignee is not "to order" ) 2)Destination broker's name per client request For FCR, the most important date is cargo receive date not on board date. When we normally say a “back-dating FCR”, it means back-date the cargo receive date, but neither backdating receipt date nor the sailing date is acceptable. Vessel or Voyage vessel and voyage "A vessel" is shown Date of receipt of cargo Must show the date cargo delivered to warehouse AND the cargo are really to ship, back-dated is prohibited Authorized signature date The date of printing the document
Documentation – Document Checking Terms of Sale Correct terms of sale as shown on the PO. MSP – Commercial Invoice Shipper Name and Address Complete name/address of the shipper/seller of the merchandise. If the seller is a US company, the invoice must also contain the manufacturer's name/address Shipper Name Manufacturer Name and address Buyer and Sold to Party Buyer and Sold to address should always read: Michaels Stores Procurement Co., Inc. 8000 Bent Branch Drive Irving, Texas 75063 Ship to address Ship to address should be the actual address of the destination Country of Origin Manufacturer Name and Address Complete name/address of the foreign manufacturer. If the manufacturer's name/address is not to be disclosed, a foreign shipper's name/address must be shown. In the case of shipments requiring US Food and Drug (Ceramicware for lead content ex China) Clearance, a foreign manufacturer's name must be shown on the commercial invoice. Goods Description Full, complete, detailed description of the goods for proper classification, line-by-line Price of Goods Pricing must reflect the total value of the shipment - Correct price of the goods as shown on the PO.
Case Study 1. What is the carrier B/L# in starlink? Answer: MAEU863252862
Case Study 2. Can origin cancel the booking in starlink? Answer: YES, origin can cancel booking in starlink. 3. Can origin cancel the Job in starlink? Answer: Job CANNOT be cancelled in starlink. 4. Can origin cancel the FCR in starlink? Answer: Origin cannot cancel FCR, please send email to MCS IT team. 5. Some CFS cargo delivered to warehouse on Mar 02, but the cartons are serious damage and need to change the cartons. Vendor changed the cartons on Mar 04. What is the cargo receiving date in starlink? Answer: The cargo receiving date in starlink is Mar 04. The cargo receiving date should be the cargo delivered to warehouse AND ready to ship. We will use Mar 02 as Temporary Cargo Receiving Date (TCR Date).
Case Study 6. For manual PO#, I would like to add the HTS# in starlink, but starlink pop up an alert message: GEN-999999. Please enter valid HTS NO. Answer: Start from February 3, 2012, World Customs Organization has released the updated Harmonized Tariff Schedule. However, starlink team need time to update the HTS#. For this issue, please check the HTS# in below link. If the number exist as below website, please send email to MCS IT team for help.
Documentation - Collect Documents 1 Documents to be collected as per SOP Standard documents Origin specific document(s) Commodity specific document(s) PO specific document(s) if information available Triangular trade document(s) substitution. Suggest to let factory to send original Visa to vendor to avoid loss of Visa between MOL offices Original or Copy? License and Visa needs special controls over original copy to avoid missing document 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Documentation - Collect Documents 2 Vendors must submit COMPLETE set of documents before consolidator releasing FCR or other B/L to vendor. Vendor to provide enough Original and Copy document set ‘No Doc No Ship’ may required as per SOP Vendor will advise either to split or to combine particular PO/Item in FCR as per L/C requirement A document dispatch advice is required to summarize what document(s) included if document(s) are sent via domestic/international courier. Besides, ORIGINAL Visa # must be marked on the notice so the recipient can check all original Visa is receipt 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Documentation - DDN Send Document Delay Notice (DDN) to the vendor, with copy to customer’s control office (consignee or local office), to remind the vendor to submit missing documents as per SOP. Usually, send 1st DDN 5-7 days after vessel sailing from origin then to-resend every 3-4 days afterward until complete set of documents are received As per local market practice, vendor may subject to Delay Doc Charge to recover incurred efforts and cost If there is any late documents, send any complete documents on hand. Keep customer informed of BL & container with incomplete documents 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Documentation - Verification Requirement as per SOP Standard document checking: PO/Item# Signature required for original document Visa valid date and quantity Reconcile total quantity to assure no missing PO or document set Specific required document(s) (e.g. Inspection Report or Sample Approval Letter) Total quantity, weight checking in Carrier BL, vendor documents and MCS documents to ensure no discrepancies. Customer specific verification may required with or without additional compensation Customer specific document check list may required on specific document(s) and data element(s) Avoid accept complicated document by fax for verification whenever possible to avoid duplicate work upon receipt of actual document 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Documentation - Dispatch Documents in the pouch Pouch dispatch email copy (if any) Document transmittal Cover page of Original Visa# Bill of Lading and Container X-Ref Container manifest FCR & Commercial Documents Management Fee invoice For partial document pouch, it must be marked as ‘partial’. All subsequent document pouches must be marked as ‘1st, 2nd, 3rd … etc. with reference to the first pouch reference# Document sorting sequence – according to SOP Case 1 - One B/L covers multiple containers Case 2 - One container covers multiple B/L 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Documentation – Upload/Email Documents should be split per carrier B/L. Each file should be named as carrier B/L no. Each file size should not exceed 2M. If the file size of whole set of documents for one carrier B/L exceeds 2M, the documents should be split with complete set of documents. split with name as :B/L#MOLU12345678 - Part A, B/L#MOLU12345678 - Part B For starlink upload, documents should be uploaded per shipment. 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Documentation – Generic
Documentation – Generic Sorting 1. Document Transmittal Advise 2. Bill of Lading 3. Container Manifest 4. FCR 5. Packing List 6. Commercial Invoice For example: Certificate of Origin Country of Origin Declaration Fumigation certificate General Certificate of conformity 7. Other Document
Documentation – Generic Sorting One Job, Multiple B/L, Multiple Container, Multiple FCR 1. Document Transmittal Advise 2. Bill of Lading 2. Bill of Lading 2. Bill of Lading 3. Container Manifest 3. Container Manifest 3. Container Manifest 3. Container Manifest 4. FCR 4. FCR 4. FCR 4. FCR 4. FCR 4. FCR 5. Packing List 5. Packing List 5. Packing List 5. Packing List 5. Packing List 5. Packing List 6. Commercial Invoice 6. Commercial Invoice 6. Commercial Invoice 6. Commercial Invoice 6. Commercial Invoice 6. Commercial Invoice 7. Other Document 7. Other Document 7. Other Document 7. Other Document 7. Other Document 7. Other Document
Documentation – Michaels Stores
Documentation – MS Document Sorting Type of Document Broker Original Copy Bill of Lading (Seaway bill) 1 Commercial Invoice Packing & Weight List Container Manifest Insurance Certificate Certificate of Origin Country of Origin Declaration (textile declaration) Beneficiary Statement FCR Fumigation certificate General Certificate of conformity
Documentation – Document Checking Document Transmittal Advise Receiver Name Pouch Details Send Date Courier Number Consignee Name Shipment Details B/L#, Container# Document Details
Documentation – Document Checking Bill of Lading Receiver Name Consignee Name Notify Party & Also Notify Party Vessel, Voyage and Sailing Schedule Container#, Seal#, Shipping Marks, Description should match with SI Sailing Date
Documentation – Document Checking FCR Shipper Must show real shipper's name Consignee 1) Consignee name 2) To order (to order of xxx ),for Telex Release, must not show "to order" Notify Party 1)Same as consignee (as long as consignee is not "to order" ) 2)Destination broker's name per client request For FCR, the most important date is cargo receive date not on board date. When we normally say a “back-dating FCR”, it means back-date the cargo receive date, but neither backdating receipt date nor the sailing date is acceptable. Vessel or Voyage vessel and voyage "A vessel" is shown Date of receipt of cargo Must show the date cargo delivered to warehouse AND the cargo are really to ship, back-dated is prohibited Authorized signature date The date of printing the document
Documentation – Document Checking MSP – Commercial Invoice Terms of Sale Correct terms of sale as shown on the PO. Shipper Name and Address Complete name/address of the shipper/seller of the merchandise. If the seller is a US company, the invoice must also contain the manufacturer's name/address Shipper Name Manufacturer Name and address Buyer and Sold to Party Buyer and Sold to address should always read: Michaels Stores Procurement Co., Inc. 8000 Bent Branch Drive Irving, Texas 75063 Ship to address Ship to address should be the actual address of the destination Country of Origin Manufacturer Name and Address Complete name/address of the foreign manufacturer. If the manufacturer's name/address is not to be disclosed, a foreign shipper's name/address must be shown. In the case of shipments requiring US Food and Drug (Ceramicware for lead content ex China) Clearance, a foreign manufacturer's name must be shown on the commercial invoice. Goods Description Full, complete, detailed description of the goods for proper classification, line-by-line Price of Goods Pricing must reflect the total value of the shipment - Correct price of the goods as shown on the PO.
Documentation – Document Checking MSP – Packing List Origin, Discharge Port Destination Shipper Name and Address Consignee / Sold To Party PO No., Item No., Description, Number of cartons, Number of pieces, Gross weight, Measurement Company Chop and Signature
Case Study 1. What is the carrier B/L# in starlink? Answer: MAEU863252862
Case Study 2. Can origin cancel the booking in starlink? Answer: YES, origin can cancel booking in starlink. 3. Can origin cancel the Job in starlink? Answer: Job CANNOT be cancelled in starlink. 4. Can origin cancel the FCR in starlink? Answer: Origin cannot cancel FCR, please send email to MCS IT team. 5. Some CFS cargo delivered to warehouse on Mar 02, but the cartons are serious damage and need to change the cartons. Vendor changed the cartons on Mar 04. What is the cargo receiving date in starlink? Answer: The cargo receiving date in starlink is Mar 04. The cargo receiving date should be the cargo delivered to warehouse AND ready to ship. We will use Mar 02 as Temporary Cargo Receiving Date (TCR Date).
Case Study 6. For manual PO#, I would like to add the HTS# in starlink, but starlink pop up an alert message: GEN-999999. Please enter valid HTS NO. Answer: Start from February 3, 2012, World Customs Organization has released the updated Harmonized Tariff Schedule. However, starlink team need time to update the HTS#. For this issue, please check the HTS# in below link. If the number exist as below website, please send email to MCS IT team for help.
FCR & Local Charges - 1 FCR has only one original FCR is stipulated in L/C as negotiation document or demanded by customer prior to release payment to vendor FCR is to avoid shipper to ship direct with carrier without booking to the consolidator FCR is to enforce vendor to pay consolidator applicable local charge FCR is not a TITLE document FCR is a document to prove: for CFS, cargo has been received at consolidator’s warehouse for CY, container has been on-board 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
FCR & Local Charges - 2 Do not release FCR before ship sailed if the consolidator cannot 100% sure containers has been on board and only vendor (or their designated broker) can re-declare to export Customs authority for container re-schedule to next vessel. Do not release FCR before all local charges have been settle by vendor. No credit to vendor unless agreed by local office Each FCR with a unique FCR#, list of documents and date of complete set of documents received If re-issue FCR, the original FCR must be stated on FCR 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
FCR & Local Charges - 3 Triangular trade document charge applicable if FCR release to or specific documents received from local vendor for shipment physically ex other origin Issue ONE original copy FCR within one working day upon all applicable local charges has been received COMPLETE set of required documents have been received Physical cargo has been received or shipped on board For on-board FCR or container#/BL# required on FCR, FCR shall only issue to vendor after container confirmed on board 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
FCR & HBL Basic Knowledge When a consignee has negotiated freight rates directly with the ocean carrier but has nominated MCS as consolidator at origin, we are acting as agent for the consignee. When we have reserved the goods from shipper, we issue a Forwarder Cargo Receipt. The seller will use the FCR to confirm the buyer that he has delivered the goods for shipment. MCS will co-ordinate that the ocean carrier issues a Bill of Lading or Sea Waybill. HBL: When a seller ships goods via a NVOCC, the NVOCC will confirm that the goods have been shipped by issuing a House Bill of Lading (HBL) to the shipper. The consignee must submit the original HBL to the NVOCC at destination to obtain release of the goods. 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
FCR Key Points For FCR Key points Shipper must show real shipper's name Consignee must show real consignee's name, it is not allowed to show "to order" same as consignee on B/L Notify party same as consignee or 2) destination broker's name per client request Same as Notify Party on B/L Vessel and voyage 1) vessel and voyage or 2) "A vessel" is shown if FCR release before ATD Sailing date 1) ETD date or 2) keep it blank when sailing date is unknown.*** Date of receipt of cargo must show the date cargo physically delivered to MCS back-dated is prohibited Authorized signature date the date of printing the document Document received must show the name of document received with no. of quantity Full set of document Only one original 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
HBL Key Points 2/24/2019 Business Confidential For HBL Key points Shipper must show real shipper's name Consignee 1)consignee name 2) to order (to order of xxx ),for Telex Release, must not show "to order" Notify party 1)same as consignee (as long as consignee is not "to order" ) 2)destination broker's name per client request Forwarder Agent MCS destination Vessel and voyage Must show and match with what shows on the CBL/CSWB/HBL received from carrier and another NVOCC Sailing date Must show and match with what shows on the CBL/CSWB/HBL received from carrier and another NVOCC, back-dated is prohibited issuance date Must show on HBL and must be same with sailing date Full set of document normally default as 3 original plus 3 copy, can be changed per client's L/C request, however customer can request more Discharge port Must be last sea port and match with what shows on the CBL/CSWB/HLB received from carriers and another NVOCC service term must show, cy/cy, cfs/cy, cfs/cfs Clean on board must not show “clean on board” in HBL 2/24/2019 Business Confidential
Thank you very much for your kind attention. MOL Consolidation Service Thank you very much for your kind attention. 2/24/2019 Business Confidential