Implementation of ISCO-08: Bulgarian experience Presented by: G. Stateva ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010
Main topics Description of the actions done by the project Specific issues arising in working process National features in context of the Pilot Census, LFS Conclusions and future work ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010
Description of the actions done by the project Organization of the work Main activities done Achieved results ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010
Organization of the work Experts involved (project team) National Statistical Institute (NSI) Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP) National Social Security Institute (NSSI) and National Revenue Agency (NRA) Working group Employers Trade-unions Representatives of ministries and professional organisations ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010
Use of NCOD Statistical surveys Governance of labour market & social activities Administrative registers of the National Social Security Institute/ National Revenue Agency Employment Agency Vocational Education and training System Employers ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010
Main activities done (1) Regulation for usage, implementation and maintenance Development of NCOD-2011 Structure Explanatory notes (definitions) Occupational index Methodological rules for implementation Correspondence tables NCOD-2011-NCOD-2005 Correspondence tables NCOD-2011 – NCO-1996 ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010
Main activities done (2) Preparation of the national module of questions for data collection Implementation test of the NCOD-2011 in LFS and Pilot Census ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010
Achieved results (1) Structure of NCOD-2011 Definitions was published in July 2010 will be into force from 01.01.2011 Definitions was published in December 2010 Methodological rules for users will be published in December 2010 Guidelines for usage in statistical surveys Definition of the differences between NCOD-2005 and NCOD-2011 ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010
Achieved results (2) Pilot census of population development of instructions for interviewers Set of additional questions for LFS Recoding of questionnaires from the LFS Occupational index (number of jobs) was published in December 2010 Correspondence tables were published in December 2010 ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010
Specific issues arising in working process Difficulties are met during translation and adaptation of definitions on Bulgarian Managers Teaching professionals Supervisors People working in public administration People working in agriculture Preparation of mapping between ISCO-08 skill level and Bulgarian education and qualification levels ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010
National features in context of the Pilot Census, LFS Analyze on the Pilot E-Census result Testing of statistical instruments, NCOD-2011 4 000 electronic forms was checked Uncompleted information for classifying of occupations Additional questions are needed Managers Teaching professionals Armed force People working in public administration Supervisors Salespersons People working in agriculture Craft and related trades workers ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010
Additional questions (1) Managers What is the main economic activity of the unit? Do the management and supervision of staff form a significant component of the work? Teaching professionals Which are the kind of school and subject of teaching? Armed force People working in public administration Which is your job title? (head of unit, state expert, senior expert …) Supervisors Where do you work? Who is supervise? ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010
Additional questions (2) Salespersons Where do you work as a salesperson? Please specify shop, door to door, contact centre…..? Craft and related trades workers Where do you work? What is your qualification level? What are your responsibilities? People working in agriculture Do you work for market or for own consumption? Which are the predominant products? Please specify – crops, vegetables, meat, milk and etc….. ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010
Conclusions and future work Main conclusions: expected to finish the work as it was planned in the project agreement contract work done in the reported period ensures the implementation of the NCOD-2011 as direct implementation of the ISCO-08 Future work updating of occupational index training of experts in the NSSI, NRA and NSI ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! ISCO Workshop Luxembourg 19 November 2010