Bell work Write a paragraph describing all the different ways that you are moving relative to the sun and moon at this moment. Write your answer in your science journal.
Seasons- Day and Night
Objectives for today! Explain the cause of daylight and night. Explain how the tilt and movement of the Earth cause changes in seasons and the length of a day. Describe what causes equinoxes and solstices. Describe how latitude affects the amount of seasonal change that an area experiences.
The Earth-Sun System Earth’s Rotation It takes the Earth 23 hours and 56 minutes to rotate once on its axis. This is called a day. The side of the Earth that faces the sun gets light, which is daytime. The side of the Earth that faces away from the sun is dark, which is nighttime.
The Earth-Sun System, continued Earth’s Tilt The seasons are caused mainly by the 23.5° tilt of the Earth’s axis. During summer months, the Northern Hemisphere has warmer temperatures and longer days because it tilts toward the sun and receives more direct solar energy. In winter months, the Northern Hemisphere has lower temperatures and shorter days because it tilts away from the sun.
Objectives for today! Explain the cause of daylight and night. Explain how the tilt and movement of the Earth cause changes in seasons and the length of a day. Describe what causes equinoxes and solstices. Describe how latitude affects the amount of seasonal change that an area experiences.
The Seasons’ Yearly Cycle Earth’s tilt and shape affect the amount of sunlight an area will receive. The seasons’ yearly cycle is caused by Earth’s tilt and revolution around the sun.
The time when the sun is directly above the equator is called equinox. The Seasons’ Yearly Cycle, continued Equinoxes In March and September, neither end of Earth’s axis is tilted toward the sun. Both hemispheres receive the same amount of solar energy because the sun is directly above the equator. The time when the sun is directly above the equator is called equinox. Length of daylight and night are equal.
Summer has longer daylight hours. Winter has shorter daylight hours The Seasons’ Yearly Cycle, continued Solstices In June, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, so it is warmer than the Southern Hemisphere. In December, the opposite happens because the Southern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. The time when the sun is as far north or as far south of the equator as possible is called a solstice. Summer has longer daylight hours. Winter has shorter daylight hours
The Seasons’ Yearly Cycle, continued Some places on Earth do not have much seasonal change because their position in relation to the sun does not change. Along the equator, temperatures and the amount of daylight stay about the same year-round.
The Seasons
Objectives for today! Explain the cause of daylight and night. Explain how the tilt and movement of the Earth cause changes in seasons and the length of a day. Describe what causes equinoxes and solstices. Describe how latitude affects the amount of seasonal change that an area experiences.