Derivation of ecotoxicological quality standards for PAHs on the basis of internal lipid concentrations 16 September 2010
History of EQSs derivation for PAHs 1995: DF Kalf, GH Crommentuijn, R Posthumus, EJ van de Plassche RIVM report 679101018 10 PAHs Water, soil and sediment (Very) limited amount of data 2005: European Union, Fact sheets priority substances Water Framework Directive Naphtalene, Anthracene, Fluoranthene and 5 PAHs (5-6 rings) Water and sediment More data, in part based on early version of EU RAR 2008: European Union, (draft) final Risk Assessment Report 16 PAHs Lot of data Derivation of ecotoxicological quality standards for PAHs | 16 September 2010
This study Performed for both generic quality standards and soil clean-up framework Based on but not limited to EU RAR Soil clean up framework requires more protection levels E.g. HC20, HC50, median values This requires thorough evaluation of all data More than 270 references All thoroughly evaluated Klimisch code assigned Analytical verification Solubility issues Realistic (representative) conditions Derivation of ecotoxicological quality standards for PAHs | 16 September 2010
Valid acute aquatic toxicity data Huge range of EC50s Strong correlation with hydrophobicity Phototoxicity apparent for anthracene, pyrene, and fluoranthene (no valid data chrysene) 100000 LC50 or EC50 [µg/L] 0.01 3 4 5 6 7 log K ow Derivation of ecotoxicological quality standards for PAHs | 16 September 2010
Valid chronic aquatic toxicity data Huge range of NOECs and EC10s Strong correlation with hydrophobicity Phototoxicity has little influence 100000 NOEC or EC10 [µg/L] 0.01 3 4 5 6 7 log K ow Derivation of ecotoxicological quality standards for PAHs | 16 September 2010
Valid chronic terrestrial toxicity data Much smaller range of NOECs and EC10s No correlation with hydrophobicity 100000 NOEC or EC10 [µg/kg dw] 3 4 5 6 7 log K ow Derivation of ecotoxicological quality standards for PAHs | 16 September 2010
Valid chronic benthic toxicity data Similar to soil Few data (five PAHs) 3 4 5 6 7 log K ow Derivation of ecotoxicological quality standards for PAHs | 16 September 2010
Interim conclusions Many data Toxicity hydrophobicity dependent Assumptions Similar mode of toxic action Joint action Accumulation driven by hydrophobicity Derive EQSs for PAHs similar to TPH (Verbruggen et al 2008) Recalculate all toxicity data to internal residues Organic carbon – water partition coefficients for soil and sediment Membrane lipids – water partition coefficients for all compartments Derivation of ecotoxicological quality standards for PAHs | 16 September 2010
SSD for PAHs based on internal residues Derivation of ecotoxicological quality standards for PAHs | 16 September 2010
Conclusions Toxicity of PAHs can be modelled by membrane - water partitioning From scientific point of view: Measure free dissolved concentrations to reduce uncertainties in bioavailability Toxicity of PAHs is very comparable to TPH Mode of toxic action probably is narcosis Nevertheless, QS from experimental data << QSAR based QS Joint toxicity Same mode of action, apply concentration addition Toxic Unit approach Secondary poisoning, human fish consumption not included yet Issue with bioconcentration factor (fish versus mussels) Carcinogenicity Derivation of ecotoxicological quality standards for PAHs | 16 September 2010
Comparison with WFD fact sheets Substance EQS this study HC5 with AF 5 WFD fact sheets Naphthalene 6.0 2.4 Acenaphthylene 4.5 Acenaphthene 2.0 Fluorene 1.2 Phenanthrene 0.66 Anthracene 0.45 0.11 Pyrene 0.28 Fluoranthene 0.17 0.1 Chrysene 0.062 Benz[a]anthracene 0.054 Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.046 0.03 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.045 Benzo[a]pyrene 0.05 Benzo[ghi]perylene 0.044 0.002 Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene 0.031 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.029 Derivation of ecotoxicological quality standards for PAHs | 16 September 2010