Chapter 4: The Birth Process Pages 107-116
At about the 266th day, the fetal brain signals the release of certain hormones into the mother’s bloodstream, which trigger her uterine muscles to contract and relax. The normal birth process begins when these contractions become regular. The average length of labor is 8 hours for first births and 3 hours for subsequent births.
The newborn is usually rated on the Apgar scale, which assigns a score of 0, 1, or 2 to each of the following 5 characteristics: -heartrate -breathing -muscle tone -color -reflexes (slightly different from the Apgar video)
A score below 4 indicates that the newborn is in critical condition and requires immediate attention. (different from the Apgar video) If the score is 7 or better, all is well. This rating is made twice, at 1 minute after birth and again at 5 minutes.
The birth experience is influences by several factors, including parents preparation, physical and emotional support, size and position of the fetus.
In about 22 percent of U.S. births, a surgical procedure called a cesarean section (C-section) is performed.
An increasing number of hospital deliveries occur in the labor room An increasing number of hospital deliveries occur in the labor room. An even more family-oriented environment is the birthing center. In addition, many North American mothers today use a professional birth coach, or doula, to assist them.
The disorder cerebral palsy, which affects motor centers in the brain, often results from genetic vulnerability, worsened by exposure to tertogens and episodes of anoxia, a temporary lack of oxygen during birth.
Another complication is an infection called Group B Strep (GBS), which is often fatal to newborns if not quickly treated with antibiotics. -approximately 20% of women test positive -have to get to the hospital to receive antibiotics for a few hours before delivery (vaginal delivery)
Because they are often confined to intensive-care nurseries or hooked up to medical machinery, low-birthweight infants may be deprived of normal kinds of stimulation such as rocking.
Providing extra soothing stimulation to vulnerable infants in the hospital does aid weight gain and does increase overall alertness. One example of this is Kangaroo care, in which mothers of low-birthweight infants spend extra time holding their infants.
Among the minor developmental problems that accompany preterm birth are being late to smile, hold a bottle, and communicate. High-risk infants are often more distractible, less obedient, and slower to talk. The deficits related to low birthweight usually can be overcome.
The Beginning of Bonding Pgs 128-130
The rate of LBW births among women born in Mexico and now living in the United States is lower than those of other Americans. This difference has been attributed to familia, or the strong family support that such women experience. Especially important is the role played by a supportive father, who can help…
-reduce maternal stress –help ensure the future mother is healthy, well-nourished, and drug free.
A crucial factor in the birth experience is the formation of a strong parental alliance between the prospective parents.
Some new mothers experience a profound feeling of sadness called postpartum depression.
The term used to describe the close relationship that begins within the first hours after birth is the parent-infant bond.