IFLT 2013 EMBEDDED READING IN ACTION www.EmbeddedReading.com
Why are Embedded Readings…. Valuable to TEACHERS? Because Embedded Readings ….. Build in layers of repetition. Provide differentiation. Develop literary skills. Can incorporate technology. Simplify lesson planning. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
What is an Embedded Reading? text An adjusted text for students. A teacher-adjusted text for students that develops skills and deepens understanding. A teacher-adjusted text created for students that develops reading skills and deepens the understanding of the content of the text. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
What is an Embedded Reading? A teacher-adjusted text for students that develops skills and deepens understanding of the content of the text. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
The Starting Point Why do you want your students to work with this piece? Why will your students want to work with this piece? What do you want them to be able to do when they are finished working with this piece? What activities do your students already do that help them to achieve the goal(s) ?
Content to Students Activities to Goals
Purpose for using text: Provide comprehensible input for increased language acquisition. To get students to interact with the language. To get students to interact IN the language.
Why are Embedded Readings…. Valuable To STUDENTS? Because Embedded Readings ….. create a clear visual in the mind of the student. are “easy” so that students feel successful. offer variety so that students don’t get bored. allow the students to connect with the content. POP UP AND CHECK THINGS OFF OF THE LIST. Get Remaining Problems!!!!!!!
text Students Curriculum
activity Students Curriculum
How is an Embedded Reading used with students? 1. Read the base reading and do as many activities as necessary so that all students clearly comprehend the base reading. Assess informally.
How is an Embedded Reading used with students? 1. Read the next version of the reading and do an activity that aligns with the goals for the reading. Do several activities if desired. Assess informally.
Repeat with additional versions of the reading. Assess (formally or informally) using professional insight and judgment.
Co-creating a bottom-up version of the text is an additional activity option. Using a version of the reading, the students insert words and structures in order to add new Information or insight to the text. © Clarcq, Whaley
Example: The teacher is tired. The teacher drinks coffee. Splat! * INJECT words/phrases into the above template in order to add details and interest. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Co-creating a bottom-up reading can be done: as an entire class in groups with partner by individual students. Use a “word bank” if you want to control the vocabulary and structures that students can add. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
The teacher drinks coffee. The teacher is tired. The teacher drinks coffee. Splat! Choose from the following list to add details and interest to the reading: this morning very never all of a sudden so in the car © Clarcq, Whaley 2013 :
When co-creating a bottom-up reading : Combine student ideas to create the next version or versions of the reading. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
This morning the teacher is so tired. Possible new version: This morning the teacher is so tired. So, this morning, the teacher drinks coffee in the car. All of a sudden, splat! © Clarcq, Whaley 2013 :
Student input makes these readings highly compelling! © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
A Top-Down Reading © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Articles, Books, Stories, Poetry, Editorials, Poems, Conversations, Songs etc….
The content is… © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
The activities are the road map.
The text is the vehicle. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Comprehensible !!!! © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
A teacher-adjusted text created for students that develops reading skills and deepens the understanding of the content of the text. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Embedded Reading was originally designed to prepare students to comprehend text that the students perceive to be beyond their capability. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
will be comprehensible. Be careful that the “final” version of the reading used with students will be comprehensible. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Mindfully choose activities. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Choral/ Individual translation. Oral Questions and Answers. Translate. Point to a Picture. Sequencing sentences/pictures. Act it out. Parallel story Power Point/Smart Board “Games” Illustrate © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Questions on Quia or similar site. Compare character in story www.textivate.com Questions on Quia or similar site. Compare character in story with a person or other familiar character. Personalized Questions. Create a chant w/ a structure. Predictions Compare novel to historical/actual situation © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Use variations of activities ! © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Horizontal or vertical story boards. Sentence strips. Murals. Illustrate: Horizontal or vertical story boards. Sentence strips. Murals. Use visualization: Google search for best pics. Classroom posters © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Variations of T/F: Choose the correct word: This morning (the teacher, the President) is tired. Circle the part of the sentence that is false: The teacher is tired and so she takes a cold shower. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Variations of Multiple Choice The story probably takes place at: a. 6 am b. 12 noon What is the teacher doing?: a. Sleeping b. Driving c. Running © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Variations of fill in the blank: Use one of the words below so that so that this sentence from the story makes sense: The teacher ____tired. Add one of the following words so that this sentence makes sense: The teacher is tired. Substitute a word or phrase in the sentence for one of these so that sentence would still make sense in the story. Change something in the sentence, or add something to the sentence so that the story would change. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Variations of Prediction: Illustrate what will happen in the next 60 seconds of the story. Write the next two sentences of the story in Spanish. What went “Splat!”? © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Important!!!! Use activities that have been highly successful with your students. Reading in class needs to be a highly positive experience. Students who have positive experiences with reading ENJOY reading and CONTINUE to read. Use a variety of activities with Embedded Readings. Each version of the reading should contain new details and a new activity. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
DOES NOT HAVE TO INCLUDE NEW LANGUAGE OR STRUCTURES. Important!!!! Each version of the story DOES NOT HAVE TO INCLUDE NEW LANGUAGE OR STRUCTURES. These versions are the ideal ways to recycle structures and language in familiar and in unfamiliar ways in order to aid acquisition. © Clarcq, Whaley 2013
Variety VARIETY variety Variety VARIETY variety Base reading: Make sure that it creates a completely clear picture in the minds and hearts of the readers. Choose a goal for each successive reading and align the activity with the goal. Choose activities that your students find interesting and allow them to find success. Variety VARIETY variety Variety VARIETY variety © Clarcq, Whaley 2013