Description of the collision between two Swedish iceboats in januari 2018 Right or down arrow will take you forward in this document and left or up arrow will take you back. Use them if you want to repeat a sequence Richard Larsson S 807
This is what S 807 expected to happen, his intention. Port boat , S 807 Here is the point where S 807 altered his course to pass behind the starbord boat. Starboard boat
This is how S 807 remember the situation that actually happend Port boat Here is the point where S 807 altered his course to pass behind the starbord boat. Starboard boat
This is how S807 remember the story from the starboard boat This is how S807 remember the story from the starboard boat. I have not yet got the copy from the protestcommitté. Port boat Starboard boat Click for the same animation once again….
The port yacht has to be very far in front to sync with the starboard The port yacht has to be very far in front to sync with the starboard. The animation show the absurdity in that move. Port boat Starboard boat
Here is a scene where the starboard boat still are far ahead and turns right very tight into the port boat. It is still very improbable that a portyacht would turn right like this. Port boat Starboard boat And if the port boat turns right there the the starboard boat must keep on straight or steer right.
Rule B.5 say “A right-of-way yacht shall not alter her course so as to mislead or prevent a non-right-of-way yacht from keeping clear.” Check the first thing the rules say: ”The purpose of the following rules is to prevent collision. Any infraction of these rules is cause for disqualification.” The last sentence tell us that the starboard boat should be disqualified according rule B.5 in all situations above.
Obviously the port boat should have kept sailing in a situation like this. The startingpoints are the same as in the animation that shows what the starboard skipper claims Starboard boat Port boat Do you see that this situation impossibly could lead to a dangerous meeting? The boats are to far away from eachother.
But what if the skipper in the starboard yacht feel uncomfortable with the position, speed and angle of the port yacht?
If the starboard skipper feel uncomfortable with the angle and speed of the port boat he may want to take some action. The speed does not increase much when a boat luff just a little like this. Port boat , S 807 Here is the point where the starboard boat have the possibility to make more space between the boats. Starboard boat
The idea is to stear away from eachother rather than towards eachother The idea is to stear away from eachother rather than towards eachother. Now i will show what the starboard skipper have to do in real panic!
If the starboard skipper feel uncomfortable with the angle and speed of the port boat he may want to take some action. Now we can clearly see how bad choise it is to steer left instead of right! Port boat , S 807 Here is the same point where the starboard boat started to fall down left in a previous scene. Starboard boat
I really want the world of icesailors to understand that the most important thing is to avoid hurting eachother. Please pay attention to that question. We have to have the same idea how we should handle our unavoidable meetings on the racecourse. Otherwise these incidents are going to happen again….... Thx for watching, S 807 Richard Larsson