Welcome to 6th Grade! Please line up in alphabetical order in the back of the room
Team B Mrs. Grady Mrs. LeGrand Mrs. Swierczewski Mrs. Brendlinger Mrs. Schumacher Mrs. Fletcher
When Entering the Room Wait for the teacher to be present to enter the room Refer to the board for the day’s agenda Write homework into assignment notebook Complete your Big 5 task or bellringer
Questions, Comments, or Needing Assistance Raise your hand and patiently wait for the teacher’s attention If the teacher is busy, write down your question so that you do not forget it What you should NOT do: call the teacher’s name repeatedly, get out of your seat and follow the teacher around, jump up and down until your are noticed, etc.
Emergency Passes I expect that you are prepared for class and have gone to the restroom before entering our classroom; however, sometimes we have emergencies. Each student will receive 5 emergency passes per quarter. These are to be used during independent practice times if you need to go to the restroom or your locker. What happens if you do not use them? You will receive tickets!
Tardy Policy It is important that you are on time!!!! If you arrive late without a pass, you will be recording the date that you are late Once you have acquired 3 tardies, you will receive a lunch detention.
Reminder that phones should be off & in your locker from 7:45 – 2:10. Cell Phone Policy Reminder that phones should be off & in your locker from 7:45 – 2:10. Students who do not follow this rule will have their phone sent to the office. Remind students that they are to choose partners that they are not best friends with when doing pair up.
Attention is needed! Teacher or office will give signal that attention is needed: raising hand, ringing of the bell, the announcement tone is heard, “Voices off in 3-2-1…” STOP what you are doing PUT things down (have your hands free) LOOK at the teacher GIVE your full attention LISTEN for what the teacher as to say
Stability Balls! Appropriate amount of movement only!!!! Careful with writing utensils while using them. No kicking, throwing, or misusing the stability balls. Who gets the stability balls?
Homework Homework should be written down in your assignment notebook every day. Homework will be assigned nightly and will reinforce the work we are doing in class. Homework will be checked as part of your next day’s lesson and is expected to be completed when you walk into class. If you do not complete your homework… You will be required to attend academic lab during your lunch and you will automatically lose 50% of your points.
End of the Period Straighten up your area and leave it cleaner than you found it Make sure all homework is written in your assignment notebook and neatly put it away IN your binder Wait for the teacher to dismiss you, not the bell!
Classroom Expectations Respect everyone & their belongings Listen to all instructions the first time they are given Bring all materials to class Be in your seat when class begins Be considerate: Help others!
Classroom Consequences Warning 1st – Phone call home 2nd – Lunch detention 3rd – After school detention
REWARDS! THE JOY OF LEARNING Daily praise Positive notes and calls home at random Tickets Various positive perks throughout the year
Binder set up Pg 307 - 360 Remove Skills Practice pages for chapter 1 & 2. Place after tab 2. Remove Answers from skills practice books and place under tab 3. Remove Glossary from both textbooks and place under tab 3. Place the “Assignments” worksheet under tab 4. Label your dividers Textbook Skills practice Answers/Glossary/Ref. Quizzes/Tests Remove textbook chapters 1 & 2. Place after tab 1. A1 – A49 It is the student’s job to find a partner. Keep your hand in the air until you do. NO STALKING!!! Vol 1: G1-G32 & Vol 2: G1-G32 Vol 1: 1-92
If you are willing, please Mrs. LeGrand … 2-5 pencils 1 pack paper
Write down what you forgot in your assignment book!