By: Tais Romero & Anthony Riestra La era de trujillo By: Tais Romero & Anthony Riestra
Our Blog Website name: Our blog was written to inform anyone that is interested in researching anything involving the Dominican history during the era of Rafael Trujillo. Our blog has accurate and credited information that is easily understood by anyone.
Features Our blog offers easy access to any part of the website in just a few clicks.
who: Students/ Teachers doing a project on the Dominican Independence revolution Anyone looking up important events in the history of Dominican Republic Anyone researching Rafael Trujillo Anyone researching dictatorship on Dominican Republic.
Why should you invest... Our website is well organized which allows advertisements to be viewed clearly The amount of content on our blog will draw people’s attention Our blog is properly cited, credited, and has been proof read twice to ensure quality content - The website has plenty of space to place advertisements.