This lecture will use the LiveSURVEY Audience Response System On your web-enabled device, go to Start the Student VotePad and when prompted enter Survey ID: _____
VIEWER SLIDE THIS SLIDE WILL SHOW THE LIVESURVEY VIEWER WHEN IN SLIDESHOW MODE. DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE THIS SLIDE. If you do click on this slide you will see a box that is highlighted on top. This box can not be moved or deleted!!! 1) Save your own slideshow as a.pptm file. 2) Make sure to Enable Content if asked. 3) You may copy this slide and insert it as many times as you want between your own slides whenever you want to use LiveSurvey. Next SlidePrevious Slide
VIEWER SLIDE with Image Area THIS BLUE AREA WILL DISPLAY THE LIVESURVEY VIEWER WHEN IN SLIDESHOW MODE. You may add a picture or video to the blank area on the left, BUT be careful to not select, delete or move anything from this area. You may copy and insert this slide into your own slides as many times as needed. Next SlidePrevious Slide