Why Are There So Many Explosions?!? Graphic Narrative, Humor, and Engaging Instruction in the Academic Library Matt Upson Assistant Professor Reference and Instruction Librarian Emporia State University upsonlibrarian.weebly.com With special thanks to Mike Hall for content and art (here’s some right now )
Why Comics? A Little History
Our Comics
Other Library Guides http://bit.ly/QO5I6Q http://bit.ly/170BfGn
Technical and Attitudinal Comics An Integrated Approach TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONAL COMICS give “instruction in procedures, process, and task performance…[S]uch tasks are, in themselves, sequential in nature.” ATTITUDINAL INSTRUCTIONAL COMICS are useful for “conditioning an attitude toward a task.” Our comics combine Eisner’s instructional models in order to create teaching tools that communicate simultaneously on multiple levels. Will Eisner, Comics & Sequential Art, Tamarac, FL: Poorhouse Press, 1985 (143-44).
Technical Instruction
Utility and Practical Application Comics A means of communicating with students challenged by traditional texts* and non-majors** *Gretchen Schwarz, “Expanding Literacies through Graphic Novels,” The English Journal 95.6 (2006): 58-64. **Hosler, J, and K. B. Boomer. “Are Comic Books an Effective Way to Engage Nonmajors in Learning and Appreciating Science?” CBE Life Sciences Education 10.3 (2011): 309–317.