A polar bond in a molecule may make the entire molecule polar, with one end slightly positive and the other end slightly negative.
d + H Cl d – Hydrogen chloride is an example of a polar molecule.
In CF4 the fluorines are symmetrically arranged around the carbon. Tetrahedral Shape
The fluorines all pull on the valence electrons in opposite directions, effectively cancelling out the polarity of the bonds
There is no partial charge on the molecule. CF4 has four polar bonds but it is a non-polar molecule: There is no partial charge on the molecule.
not symmetrically positioned The two hydrogens of water are not symmetrically positioned around the oxygen. This is a Bent Shape!
d + d – d + The O-H polarities do not cancel, and the molecule carries a partial charge.
Water is a liquid instead of a gas because the partial positives and negatives attract each other.
This attraction holds the molecules together, forming a liquid rather than the spread out molecules of a gas.
Molecular Polarity Diatomic molecules: molecular polarity is same as bond polarity Molecules with 3 or more atoms: polarity depends on: types of bonds and shape of the molecule
Molecular Polarity Depends on 2 factors 1.Type of bonds in the molecule 2. Arrangement of bonds or shape of molecule Think SYMMETRY!!
Polarity of Molecules A molecule (compound) may contain polar bonds, but not be polar! Depends on the geometry of the molecule If molecule is symmetric: the “pull” of one polar bond is offset by the “pull” of another polar bond So poles cancel out and molecule/compound is a non polar molecule.
Symmetric Molecules Contain at least one mirror plane
Symmetric vs. Asymmetric CO2 is nonpolar - electron cloud is symmetric H2O is polar - electron cloud is lop-sided (asymmetrical)
Polarity of CO2? Draw an arrow along each bond pointing to the more electronegative atom. If the arrows cancel out, the molecule is NONPOLAR THIS IS A LINEAR SHAPE!!
Use the structural formula to predict Molecular Polarity Use the structural formula to predict Molecular Polarity! This is a Tetrahedral Shape!!!! H H C H
Polarity of H2O? The green arrows do not cancel out - water is polar! This is a bent shape!!!!
Ethane = C2H6 Ethene = C2H4 Ethyne = C2H2 These molecules are symmetric and the electron cloud is the same on both ends: they are nonpolar