September 8, 2017 7th Study for Organic Compound Quiz/Test 6th Vocabulary Flash Card Race (4 students per set of cards) Sharpen Pencil Sit in Assigned Seat Complete PDN / Card Sort
7th Grade 6th Grade LO: We will compare / contrast physical and chemical properties of matter. LO: We will apply knowledge over Organic Compounds to complete written assessment.
7th Grade 6th Grade DOL: I will complete a written assessment over organic compounds. DOL: I will complete 5 written assessment questions over properties of matter.
7th Grade 6th Grade Agenda 1. Study / PDN 2. Test 3. Finish T-Chart 1. PDN / Card Sort 2. Properties of matter card sort 3. Foldable 4. DOL Agenda 1. Study / PDN 2. Test 3. Finish T-Chart 4. DOL
7th Grade 6th Grade TEK 7.6A (A) identify that organic compounds contain carbon and other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen, or sulfur TEK 6.6 (6) Matter and energy. The student knows matter has physical properties that can be used for classification.