Starting School at Cheapside An introduction for new families
Welcome ! New and exciting stage in your child’s life. Make new friends, enjoy new experiences. Develop the skills they need to be effective learners. Work with you as partners to help ensure your child has the best possible start to their school career. A copy of tonight's presentation will be uploaded onto the school website www. under the tab News – letters and news 2017/2018
Wrens Class! Your child will be based in Wrens Class for their reception year. The class teacher will be Mrs Coe. Your children will also be working with me every week in Forest School. My role is to monitor the teaching and learning in the foundation stage to ensure your child is making a good level of progress and to support the teaching and learning taking place. Mrs Howarth is our SENCO We have an ‘open door’ policy. If you have any worries or concerns about your child, please speak to Mrs Coe and/or make an appointment to come and speak to myself.
The Welcome Pack – Starting School – dates & times The Welcome Pack – Starting School – dates & times. Starting School Booklet -General Information e.g. uniform, daily routines and procedures. Permission forms that need to be filled in and returned in September.
How can I help my child prepare for starting school? Enclosed in your welcome pack is a great information booklet produced by the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY) For further resources on helping prepare your child for school, as well as information about childcare, go to
“Is my child ready for school ?” In Reception we like the children to be able to: express their needs appropriately Use the toilet independently, including being able to wipe themselves. Wash and dry hands Blow their nose Sit up at a table Understand how to use a knife and fork Dress and undress themselves Sit quietly to listen to a story or a piece of music Wait patiently Share and take turns Tidy up things they have used Say goodbye with a smile !!!!!!!!
What is the Foundation Stage? Foundation Stage 1 takes place in a pre-school or nursery between the ages 3 and 4. Foundation Stage 2 takes place in a Reception class of an Infant or Primary school between the ages 4 and 5. The Foundation Stage Curriculum is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning. At Cheapside part of this learning will take place outdoors in weekly Forest School sessions.
What does the curriculum look like in reception? The Prime Areas are the foundations for children's success in all other areas of learning and of life. Strong foundations in these areas are essential for children and any future learning and development. The specific areas provide the range of experiences and opportunities for children to broaden their knowledge and skills:
How will I know what my child is learning? Regular newsletters will be published on the class page on our website. A learning journal will be kept for every child. We use a piece of educational software called ‘Tapestry’ to record your child’s progress. More details on this are included in your information pack.
The first few weeks.. Help your child settle, ensuring they feel safe and are happy, and to encourage and support with exploring the new environment and with making new friends. What do they already know? We use this information to help plan for the next steps for every child. This is what is generally referred to as a baseline assessment. You will be invited to discuss your child’s progress & adjustment to school within the first term.
Starting school in September – how does it work? A Parent-teacher meeting will take place at the beginning of September prior to your child starting school. This is to give you an opportunity to tell us about your child and discuss any worries or concerns you may have about them starting school. Please sign up for a time slot for this interview on the board. They are 10 minute timed appointments on either the 4th or 5th September. Please make a note of the time! We would love your child to accompany you to this interview. They will have an opportunity to play in the classroom whilst we meet. You are welcome to stay and play for a small while afterwards with your child. Please bring any outstanding forms and the booklet telling us about what your child can do with you on the interview day. We would also like to look at your child’s learning journal and any reports that the pre-school have given you so please bring these along with you.
Children with the surnames A-H will begin school for mornings only on Thursday 6th September 2018. We would like the children to arrive at 9.30am and be collected at 11.30am. These children will be in school for mornings only until Friday 14th September. We would like to invite your child to stay for lunch on Thursday 13th September. On this day we would like you to collect your child at 1pm Your child will start school full time on Monday 17th September. The school day will begin at 8.50am. *Please note your child will be attending the same sessions as the children they spent their stay and play session with today.
Children with the surnames H-Z will begin school for afternoons only on Thursday 6th September 2018. We would like the children to arrive at 1pm and be collected at 3pm. These children will be in school for afternoons only until Friday 14th September. We would like to invite your child to stay for lunch on Friday 14th September. On this day we would like your child to be in school for 11.45am so that they can have lunch and then stay for the afternoon. Your child will start school full time on Monday 17th September. The school day will begin at 8.50am. Please note your child will be attending the same sessions as the children they spent their stay and play session with today.
Why the phased start? A calm and positive start to school Smaller groups allow us time to really get to know your child Some of your children might be anxious or tearful, they might have difficulty separating from you and settling. The interview sessions are a good opportunity to let us know if you think your child will have difficulty settling.
What do I need to do now? Sign up for an interview time for your starting school interview before leaving tonight. Read the enclosed starting school booklet. This will give you further information about school lunches, drinks, snacks, uniform and daily routines. Return any forms enclosed in the pack, ensure the office staff have seen your proof of address paperwork. Ensure your child has a school uniform for September. They may wear the summer uniform at the start of term, but they will need winter uniform by the end of September. PLEASE NAME EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Please ring the school if you have any questions or concerns once you have read all the paperwork.
Unity… I dreamt I stood in a studio And watched two sculptors there The clay they used was a young child’s mind And they fashioned it with care. One was a teacher, the tools she used Were books and music, art and play. One was a parent with a guiding hand And a gentle loving heart…………………… ……..And each agreed they would have failed If they had worked alone For behind the parents stood the school And behind the teacher, the home.
Take a tour around school. Visit Wrens Class. Enjoy the rest of the evening, take the time to introduce yourself to some other new parents. Take a tour around school. Visit Wrens Class. The staff will be happy to help with any questions or queries. Welcome to School !