Brown – Headed Cowbird 7 ½ inches Year round Farms, fields, woody edges Insects, small fruits and seeds
Chimney Swift 5 – 5 ½ inches Breeding Open air over towns and cities; roosts and nests in chimneys Flying insects
Cedar Waxwing 7 inches Year round Open woodlands, fruiting trees and orchards Fruits and insects
Eastern Meadowlark 9 inches Breeding Pastures, meadows, fields Insects, small fruits and seeds
Eastern Towhee 7 – 8 ½ inches Breeding Open woods, undergrowth and brushy edges Seeds, insects and small fruits
Killdeer 9 – 11 inches Breeding Fields, lawns, river banks and shores Mainly insects
Northern Harrier 17 ½ to 24 inches Year round Marshes and fields Rodents and small birds
Northern Pintail 26 – 30 inches Migration Water Aquatic plants, seeds and insects
Red – Bellied Woodpecker 9 – 10 ½ inches Year round Wooded areas Insects, berries, seeds
Red - Winged Blackbird 7 – 9 ½ inches Breeding Marshes, fields and banks of water Insects, small fruits and seeds
Red – Breasted Merganser 20 – 26 inches Migration Water Mainly fish
Ruffed Grouse 16 – 19 inches Year round Ground and understory of deciduous or mixed forests Insects, seeds and fruit
Scarlet Tanager 7 inches Breeding Forests Insects and fruit
Tree Swallow 5 – 6 inches Breeding Open country, usually near water Flying insects
Tufted Titmouse 6 inches Year round Woodlands and groves Insects, seeds and suet
Information in this presentation was taken from: Information in this presentation was taken from: *A Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern and Central North America, 5th ed. Roger Tory Peterson and Virginia Marie Peterson. Houghton Mifflin Company. 2002. *Bird Song Ear Training Guide by John Feith