Welcome to Tutorial for K213 Consolidation and thoughts on TMA05 Thursday 2nd March Welcome to Tutorial for K213 Consolidation and thoughts on TMA05
Book 1 and 2 Personal health – a national preoccupation. Factors influencing your views of health. Biomedical model of health v social model of health. Lifestyles – changing/choosing/influences on. Living and working conditions. Stress Relationships Long term conditions + caring for people with these.
Exploring meanings of health Blaxter (2010) offers 5 categories of health and 8 categories of illness. Personal health has become a national preoccupation (pg.8) What are your thoughts here. What factors influence your views of health? Biomedical model of health v social model of health. Is there room for both?
Book 3 Caring – informally and formally. Prevention - including screening Curing – including technology and an ethical perspective. ‘Expert’ patients. Mental health.
Book 4 Inequalities in health Public health Healthcare provision –history Healthcare provision – present Community action for health
TMA 05 – reviewing what is needed Cut-off date: 26th April 2017 Word limit: 2500 words excluding references Weighting: 25 per cent of the marks for continuous assessment Evaluate ways of promoting health and wellbeing relevant to your own local community.
Some ideas You will find Learning Guides 17 and 20 and their related chapters. Part 1 – your local area. Report format. (LG 17) Part 2 Evaluate. your nation – England, Scotland, N.Ireland Wales. Health promotion strategy Relevant Could promote health and wellbeing locally.
Finally…. Thanks for contributing – happy essay writing!