Jeopardy The 20’s The Crash The Reds Potpourri Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Hoover Vs FDR The 20’s The Crash The Reds Potpourri Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1 He was the “Sultan of Swat”.
$100 Answer from H1 Who is Babe Ruth?
He was the first to cross the Atlantic $200 Question from H1 He was the first to cross the Atlantic in a solo flight.
$200 Answer from H1 Who is Charles Lindburgh?
$300 Question from H1 This was the flowering of African American art, music and literature in the 1920’s.
$300 Answer from H1 What was the Harlem Renaissance?
$400 Question from H1 This was a popular Harlem Nightspot, where jazz musicians Like Louis Armstrong played.
$400 Answer from H1 What was the cotton club?
$500 Question from H1 This was the mentality that America should stay out of Europe’s affairs after WWI.
$500 Answer from H1 What is isolationism?
$100 Question from H2 This was the mentality that People should be able to take Care of themselves, without Federal assistance.
$100 Answer from H2 What is Individualism?
$200 Question from H2 This was FDR’s promise to the American people to help get the U.S. out of the depression.
$200 Answer from H2 What was the “New Deal”?
$300 Question from H2 This created a pool of money to help rescue banks during the Depression.
$300 Answer from H2 What is the NCC (National Credit Corporation)?
$400 Question from H2 This was created by FDR to help regulate the stock market, and prevent fraud.
$400 Answer from H2 What was the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)?
$500 Question from H2 These were mandated by FDR to prevent “bank runs” from wiping out banks across the nation.
$500 Answer from H2 What are bank holidays?
$100 Question from H3 This is when stocks are purchased on credit.
$100 Answer from H3 What is a Margin?
$200 Question from H3 Many Homeless families lived in these During the great depression.
$200 Answer from H3 What were Hoovervilles?
$300 Question from H3 They were people that symbolized the toughness and grit of the dust bowl, many moving westward after losing everything.
$300 Answer from H3 Who were the Okies?
$400 Question from H3 Economists agree that the main reason for the great depression was this—it created an economic downturn.
$400 Answer from H3 What was overproduction?
$500 Question from H3 They marched on Washington DC to demand legislation be passed that would allow them to receive their $1000 pension from WWI early.
$500 Answer from H3 Who were the Bonus Marchers?
$100 Question from H4 This was an economic system where the government had complete control of the economy.
$100 Answer from H4 What is Communism?
$200 Question from H4 These were laws passed that criminalized freedom of speech.
$200 Answer from H4 What was the Sedition Act?
$300 Question from H4 This was the political belief that opposed immigration, especially against Eastern Europeans.
$300 Answer from H4 What was Nativism?
$400 Question from H4 This act allowed only 2% of the current population of any given ethnic group to immigrate into the U.S. in 1924.
$400 Answer from H4 What was the National Origins Act?
$500 Question from H4 They were anarchists and Italian immigrants who were executed, mainly because they were anarchists and immigrants.
$500 Answer from H4 Who were Sacco and Vanzetti?
$100 Question from H5 These women embraced a new fashion style and symbolized women’s emancipation after The 19th amendment was passed.
$100 Answer from H5 Who were the flappers?
$200 Question from H5 He was put on trial for teaching Evolution, magnifying the rift in American culture between “traditional” and “modern”.
$200 Answer from H5 Who was John Scopes?
$300 Question from H5 He was the Federal agent in charge of taking down Al Capone—not for bootlegging but for income tax violations.
$300 Answer from H5 Who is Elliot Ness?
$400 Question from H5 This was the term used to describe the strong stock market in the late 1920’s.
$400 Answer from H5 What was the Bull Market?
$500 Question from H5 This was established by Marcus Garvey, to promote black unity and pride.
$500 Answer from H5 What was the UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association).
Final Jeopardy 1920’s Clashes
Final Jeopardy Answer List 5 major ideological clashes that occurred in the 1920’s, and explain both viewpoints of each.