Ranger In-Vehicle Hardware A Guide for Driver Training
Ranger Unit Overview
F1 Key Actions Day Mode Night Mode
F3 Key Actions F3 – Quick Keys Access RTT and PRTT Keys here Access Vehicle announcements here (when enabled)
Emergency Button Press the F4 key twice to enter EMERGENCY Mode. A dot will appear to the left of the clock in the lower left-hand corner signaling the emergency. An exclamation point will appear to the left of the label at the top of the screen when dispatch has acknowledged the emergency. Dispatch will clear Ranger from Emergency mode once the situation is handled and the exclamation mark will disappear. NOTE: The circumstances where pressing this key is appropriate is defined by your organization. EMERGENCY ACTIVE EMERGENCY ACKNOWLEDGED
Ranger Online Indicator This indicates that the Ranger is communicating properly with Streets NOTE: If message reads ‘CONNECTION WITH DISPATCH CENTRE BROKEN’ or anything other than ‘ONLINE’, this means there is an issue and the Ranger is not communicating with Streets
Logging On
Log On Summary and Safety Notification
Ranger Screen Tabs
Pull In and Pull Out Tasks
Schedule Adherence Indicators – Vehicle Stopped
Schedule Adherence Indicators – In Motion
Available Count Screens
Mail Tab Options
Entering Transfer Request
Ranger Transfer Indicators
Locking Ranger In Status Tab, Click on LOCK button When re-entering Vehicle, enter in Driver PIN to unlock
Logging Off Ranger In Status Tab, Click on LOGOFF