Copyright, Plagiarism, & Cheating Digital Citizenship
Overview Copyright Plagiarism Cheating Authors right to determine how and whether their work will be reproduced, distributed, displayed, or performed. (Blackboard, 2000, p.1) Copyright is automatically attached to any work you or others create. Fair Use: Not used for profit Only a portion of the work is used The work must be repurposed Representing someone else’s work as your own. If you use a portion of a work someone else created you must cite it. Cheating includes but in not limited to: Copying another person’s work The unauthorized discussion of an assessment Using unauthorized notes during an assessment Completing another student’s work for them. Illegal- possible monetary and legal consequences Academic consequences Academic and Discipline consequences
Click on link to watch video! Copy Right & Fair Use Click on link to watch video!
Cheating Policy – from 2016-2017 student handbook Plagiarism *Additional consequences may apply according to teacher policy. Copying the work of others and submitting it as your own, obtaining unauthorized and undocumented material from the Internet, or securing teacher materials or work in a dishonest or unauthorized way. Conference and grade of zero on assignment or test. Up to 3 days off campus suspension. Up to 5 days off campus suspension and possible disciplinary hearing, or DWLC referral.
Q1 - Copyright, Plagiarism, & Cheating Quiz
Q2 - Copyright, Plagiarism, & Cheating Quiz Use it for nonprofit purposes
Q3 - Copyright, Plagiarism, & Cheating Quiz Use it for nonprofit purposes
Q4 - Copyright, Plagiarism, & Cheating Quiz Use it for nonprofit purposes