By Claire Barnes, Willow Dene School 10 Green Bottles A multi-media presentation to accompany the popular counting song to promote one-to-one correspondence, numeral recognition and counting skills. By Claire Barnes, Willow Dene School
10 Green Bottles Click to make the wall appear Click once and the bottles will appear, one by one. Count them as they appear. When all ten bottles have appeared, click to make the cork pop out of the bottle and the associated numeral to appear. You will need to do this for each bottle, to allow pauses to ask questions, such as “What number comes next?”; “Can you draw it in the air / on your whiteboard / find the magnetic number?”; “How many corks have popped out?”; “How many bottles still have corks in? How do you know?” When all ten numerals have appeared, start singing the song: Ten green bottles, sitting on the wall, And if one green bottle should accidentally fall… (ask student to click once) They’ll be nine green bottles sitting on the wall The click will cause a bottle to fall off the wall, a smashing sound and the number above the bottle to dim. Ask students to identify how many bottles are on the wall now and to identify the strategies they used Periodically, challenge the students to identify how many bottles have fallen off the wall (used the dimmed numbers as markers). If appropriate write a number sentence about what has occurred (e.g. 10 – 3 = 7). After all the bottles have fallen off the wall, click once more, and the numeral zero will appear Click again to make zero disappear, then once more to make the wall disappear, indicating the end of the song
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10