Information Technology 24 February 2019 Information Technology Level 3 Extended Diploma in IT Induction Phil Smith
Your assignments Your assignment submission my be refused if it does not meet a set of academic standards. A refusal on this basis is treated as not submitted. Your submission is not just about your response to the set tasks. It is also about how you present the response. Phil Smith
Your assignments Your assignment must be a single document, usually in pdf format but can be Microsoft word. Each page must have a header with – Your name on the left. Your student id on the right. Each page must have a footer with a page number. Each submission must have a title page starting – Assignment number. Assignment title. Phil Smith
Your assignments Each task must have a suitable title e.g. Your assignment should have a table of contents at the front. Your content must be check for – Correct spelling. Correct punctuation. Correct grammar. Each task must have a suitable title e.g. Task 1 – The Impact of Different Types of Threat No part of the assignment brief should be included in your submission. Phil Smith
Your assignments Your assignment can be written using third person. E.g. not “I have designed my solution ….” But “The developer decided to ……..” Any images/pictures included in your submission must have a caption and be referred to in your narrative. Ask if you need help on how to do this. Phil Smith
Your assignments Please ensure your response to the set tasks are written with the task scenario in mind. You should not just regurgitate facts. Phil Smith
Your assignments Only use academic references in your narrative and must use Harvard referencing (see wiki). So do not use wikipedia etc. You will have two weeks to write your assignment. Time may be given during lessons to work on your assignment, this is at the discretion of the subject tutor. Formative feedback will be offered in the final lessons before submission. Phil Smith
Your assignments The assignment brief includes a check list of what to include in your assignment. Use it! Phil Smith
Your assignments Your submission must be named correctly – L3-Unn-Ann-yourname-2015 L3 – course level. Unn – is the unit number e.g. U22 Ann – is the assignment number. Use AnnRnn if this is a referral. E.g. U22R1 first referral. Yourname – duh! 2015 – year course began. So L3-U22-A1-PhilSmith-2015 is my first assignment submission for unit 22 which is a level 3 course. Phil Smith