The 5 W’s and H Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?
Sample Situation Your friend has invited you to her birthday party. Ask her questions to find out more about it.
Sample Situation A: Who is going to be at the party? B: Oh, it’s just going to be a bunch of friends from university.
Sample Situation A: What do I need to take? B: Oh, nothing. Just take your good attitude.
Sample Situation A: Where is the party going to be? B: It’s going to be at a club.
Sample Situation A: When is the party going to be? B: It’s going to be this Saturday night.
Sample Situation A: Why is it at a club? B: Oh, because I love dancing.
Sample Situation A: How are we getting there? B: I’m taking my dad’s car.
Your Turn You will read a situation. Write four possible questions asking for more information. Write a possible answer to each question.
Situation 1 You want to buy a new cell phone. Ask the sales clerk four questions to get more information.
Situation 2 You go to Jeju Island and want to visit Halla Mountain. Ask the hotel travel agent four questions to get more information on their Halla Mountain tour.
Your Turn You will read a situation. Write a short dialogue showing how the problem can be solved.
Situation 3 You have an appointment to meet your friend to study at the library at 4 pm. Your friend (Friend 1) calls you (Friend 2) because it is 4 pm and you are not there.