ESS approach and support for Declaration of Conformity (CE-marking) Fredrik Håkansson 9th SRF Meeting @ ESS 2018-11-06.


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Presentation transcript:

ESS approach and support for Declaration of Conformity (CE-marking) Fredrik Håkansson 9th SRF Meeting @ ESS 2018-11-06

Agenda ESS Approach – step by step to compliance Delivery definitions and compliance approach System compliance, step-by-step with ESS support Applicable Directives & Standards & National Legislation Cryomodules Cavities Next step

Approach – step by step to compliance Delivery definitions and compliance approach The contribution scope defines the compliance approach. An in-kind contribution can either be: A “Full system delivery”, e.g. Spoke & Elliptical Cryomodules – where the in-kind partner is defined as the “Manufacturer”. In this case the in-kind partner is responsible to conform to applicable directive(s) and sign a “Declaration of Conformity*”. Or A “Partly completed machinery”, component etc. that will be assembled into a system. E.g. elliptical cavities. In this case the in-kind partner is still responsible that its contribution conforms to applicable directive(s) via a “Declaration of conformity” or a simplified “EU declaration of incorporation”, “Signature Card” or similar. *Keep in mind that there are no “difference” between a DoC and CE-marking in the case of the Cryomodules but for the Cavities it is.

Agenda ESS Approach – step by step to compliance Delivery definitions and compliance approach System compliance, step-by-step with ESS support Applicable Directives & Standards & National Legislation Cryomodules Cavities Next step

Approach – step by step to compliance System compliance, step-by-step with ESS support Procedure in cooperation and support by ESS (unless the in-kind partner want to proceed and do the Declaration of Conformity by own process). Learnings has been made from the Ion-source & LEBT work. Identify the scope (system with interfaces) and its applicable directive(s), regulations and standards. ESS WP and regulatory expertise can support with this action. The result is documented in the “Technical file document” and the “Declaration of Conformity” This is done for WP4-5 but yet to be reviewed and documented in the Technical File.

Approach – step by step to compliance Full system compliance, step-by-step with ESS support “Pre-inspection” comparing current system/component status to identified directives, regulations and standard requirements. The directives contain “essential safety requirements”, to be fulfilled for achieving compliance. ESS regulatory expertise can check the system and documentation (1 day exercise) and identify possible “gaps”, to be mitigated. Defined actions will then be carried out by the in-kind partner, with ESS support upon need. Prepared to be executed on the Spoke prototype incl. docs in Uppsala in November.

Approach – step by step to compliance Full system compliance, step-by-step with ESS support Compile technical documentation (“technical file”) The technical file contains all documentation needed for the DoC. ESS can explain/guide about the needed content (should be nothing or marginally new to what is already agreed in the Technical Annex) incl. template/example. ESS can further support the Technical File by reviewing documents and answering regulatory questions.

Approach – step by step to compliance Full system compliance, step-by-step with ESS support Technical file – example from the Ion-source & LEBT

Approach – step by step to compliance Full system compliance, step-by-step with ESS support Technical file – example from the Ion-source & LEBT

Approach – step by step to compliance Full system compliance, step-by-step with ESS support Technical file content – as written in the Machinery Directive The technical file shall comprise the following: — a general description of the machinery, — the overall drawing of the machinery and drawings of the control circuits, as well as the pertinent descriptions and explanations necessary for understanding the operation of the machinery, — full detailed drawings, accompanied by any calculation notes, test results, certificates, etc., required to check the conformity of the machinery with the essential health and safety requirements, — the documentation on risk assessment demonstrating the procedure followed, including: (i) a list of the essential health and safety requirements which apply to the machinery, (ii) the description of the protective measures implemented to eliminate identified hazards or to reduce risks and, when appropriate, the indication of the residual risks associated with the machinery, — the standards and other technical specifications used, indicating the essential health and safety requirements covered by these standards, — any technical report giving the results of the tests carried out either by the manufacturer or by a body chosen by the manufacturer or his authorized representative, — a copy of the instructions (manual) for the machinery, — where appropriate, the declaration of incorporation for included partly completed machinery and the relevant assembly instructions for such machinery, — where appropriate, copies of the EC declaration of conformity of machinery or other products incorporated into the machinery, — a copy of the EC declaration of conformity; (— In addition: a) Reference to the project quality plan tracking that all specimen are built a like b) PMA, “particular material appraisals” regarding Niobium)

Approach – step by step to compliance ´Full system compliance, step-by-step with ESS support Produce Declaration of Conformity and CE-mark When the pre-inspection actions are mitigated and the technical file is accomplished the “Declaration of Conformity” can be signed by the in-kind partner´s “responsible person” (someone who has the power to make binding commitments on behalf of the manufacturer). ESS can provide a template of the Declaration if wanted. The Declaration should preferably be accomplished before commissioning, to assure that the equipment is safe. When the Declaration is signed, the CE-mark (Incl. marking, template can be provided by ESS) can be affixed on the equipment.

Done – with Declaration of Conformity! Approach – step by step to compliance Full system compliance, step-by-step with ESS support Done – with Declaration of Conformity!

Agenda ESS Approach – step by step to compliance Delivery definitions and compliance approach System compliance, step-by-step with ESS support Applicable Directives & Standards & National legislation Cryomodules Cavities Next step

Applicable Directives & Standards Cryomodules Swedish Legislation* SFS 2017:218 Elsäkerhetsförordning (Swedish Electrical Safety Ordinance) ELSÄK-FS 2008:1 (Design for electrical installation) *A part from CE-legislation, national legislation has to be fulfilled. Implemented through inspection process with action on possible deviations. CE Directives Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (Low Voltage Directive LVD 2014/35/EU – included in the MD) Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU For fixed installations, hence simplified to “good engineering practice”. Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU SEP (Art 4.3) is applicable RoHS 2011/65/EU For cables and electrical equipment EU Regulations CLP Regulation/1272/2008 - Marking of pipes & vessels

Primary Recommended Standards* Applicable Directives & Standards Cryomodules Primary Recommended Standards* MD: IEC 60204-1 Safety of Machinery – Electrical equipment of Machines EN ISO 21028-1:2017, Cryogenic vessels – Materials – Part 1: Toughness requirements for temperatures below –80 °C. PED Manufacturing, Welding & Testing PED Vessels & Accessories EN 15614-1 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials. EN 13458-2&2 Cryogenic vessels - Static vacuum insulated vessels. Part1 Fundamental requirements. Part 2: Design, fabrication, inspection and testing. EN ISO 9606; Qualification test of welders – Fusion Welding (part depending on material) EN 21013 Cryogenic vessels – Pressure relief accessories for cryogenic service. EN ISO 9712, Qualification and certification of NDT personnel. EN 1626:2008 Cryogenic vessels – Valves for cryogenic service EN 5817 Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys. EN 1797 Cryogenic vessels – Gas/material compatibility. EN 12300 Cryogenic vessels, cleanliness for cryogenic service. EN 13445 Unfired pressure vessels, part 1-5 - rules for the design, fabrication, and inspection of pressure vessels. PED Material *Used to facilitate (not mandatory) compliance with the applicable directives. Blue book: “Products manufactured in compliance with harmonized standards benefit from a presumption of conformity with the corresponding essential requirements”.

Agenda ESS Approach – step by step to compliance Delivery definitions and compliance approach System compliance, step-by-step with ESS support Applicable Directives & Standards & National legislation Cryomodules Cavities Next step

Primary Recommended Standards Applicable Directives & Standards Cavities EN 13458-2&2 Cryogenic vessels - Static vacuum insulated vessels. Part1 Fundamental requirements. Part 2: Design, fabrication, inspection and testing. CE Directives EN 15614-1 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials. Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU SEP (Art 4.3) applicable and hence no CE-marking only a DoC. EN 21013 Cryogenic vessels – Pressure relief accessories for cryogenic service. EN ISO 9606; Qualification test of welders – Fusion Welding (part depending on material) EN 1626:2008 Cryogenic vessels – Valves for cryogenic service EN ISO 9712, Qualification and certification of NDT personnel. EU Regulations CLP Regulation/1272/2008 - Marking of pipes & vessels EN 1797 Cryogenic vessels – Gas/material compatibility. EN 5817 Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys. EN 13445 Unfired pressure vessels, part 1-5 - rules for the design, fabrication, and inspection of pressure vessels. EN 12300 Cryogenic vessels, cleanliness for cryogenic service. Swedish Legislation NA PED Material Primary Recommended Standards EN 21028-1:2017, Cryogenic vessels – Materials – Part 1: Toughness requirements for temperatures below –80 °C. EMC: IEC 61000-6-1; Electromagnetic compatibility (Immunity & Emission) PED Manufacturing, Welding & Testing PED Vessels & Accessories

Agenda ESS Approach – step by step to compliance Delivery definitions and compliance approach System compliance, step-by-step with ESS support Applicable Directives & Standards & National legislation Cryomodules Cavities Next step

Next step To progress according to set process: In-kind review of identified Directives & Standards. Establish “Technical File”. Pre-inspection of available prototypes incl. documentation resulting in a deviation/action-list for compliance. DoC (appoint responsible person) and CE-marking.

Next step ESS Support Team: Mattias Skafar Conny Wendt Fredrik Håkansson Larry Falk Maurice Looft Head of Quality Division Quality CE-Lead AD CE Responsible CE Expert CE Expert

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