Energy Conservation and Resource Recovery By: Don Hoekstra and Indra Maharjan April 27, 2018
Outline Introductions - All Overview of OCWA’s activities assisting CDM innovation in the water/wastewater sector – OCWA Overview of Conservation Fund Pay-for-Performance progress – OCWA Discussion of opportunities to continue program delivery in water/wastewater sector Next steps
OCWA Operations Largest water and wastewater operator in Canada 4.5M Ontarians served Hub and spoke network is our structural backbone Manage more than $20 Billion in municipal infrastructure OCWA’s five emergency Response Teams backstop water emergencies across province
OCWA’s mandate can be divided into three primary areas Assist municipalities, the Government of Ontario and other persons or bodies with providing water, sewage, storm water works and other related services by financing, planning, developing, building and operating these services Finance and promote the development, testing, demonstration and commercialization of water technologies 1 2 OCWA’s mandate can be divided into three primary areas Foundation: OCWA was founded as a Crown corporation under the Capital Investment Plan Act (CIPA) in 1993 Vision: To be a trusted world leader in water Mission: To demonstrate service excellence through the delivery of safe, reliable and cost-effective clean water Act as an emergency responder for water emergencies in Ontario 3
Provincial/MOECC Priorities 2016 MOECC Mandate Letter priorities with a significant impact on OCWA: Leading the Fight Against Climate Change Water/energy nexus Protecting Water and the Great Lakes Promoting water technology included as part of Protecting Water and the Great Lakes; OCWA specifically mentioned Improving Drinking Water for Indigenous Communities Goal to eliminate Boil Water Advisories Increasing Waste Diversion Source Sorted Organics, Renewable Natural Gas Don
New Regulations Don: Talk about various new regulations that changed the landscape in terms of energy conservation, GHG emission reduction, climate change and resource recovery
Overall Shift from wastewater treatment to Goal: Net Zero Plant + Energy Producer (RNG) + Water for Irrigation & Reuse + Recovery of nutrients (N, P) + Energy Consumer + Wastewater Discharge + Biosolids to Landfill Overall Shift from wastewater treatment to Resource Recovery
OCWA’s Approach Innovation Energy and GHG Reduction Asset Management and Process Optimization Drive efficiency by fostering innovation in process, technology and people
Demonstration Projects AI to generate operation savings (EMAGIN) Continuous Monitoring Waste to Heat Recovery (DDI) Sensors Testing Vortex Pumps Water Softeners (CapDI) Schneider M&T Examples of some demonstration project
Demonstration Projects Smart Water Meters UV Technologies Dewatering technologies Floating Solar GHG Calculators CUI Water Energy Tool Examples of some demonstration project
Stratford Net Zero Project Notes: Alicia and Ed to present SSO options in the front end of plant. However in order to address potential odor issues most favorable option is behind the aeration building back end of plant where space is not a constraint Ed can elaborate more on this
Stratford Net Zero Project Enhance the existing AD with new proven innovative technology Adopt co-digestion to augment the Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) production Reduce environmental footprint for City of Stratford/ GHG emissions by 48,951 TCO2eq Avoided investment in existing digester system Proactively addresses requirements of Bio-solids action plan and extend life value of land fill Establish Stratford as leading municipality in Canada Project incorporates required investment in digesters I
Evolution of Energy Initiative March, 2013-2015 - Energy Capital Projects: $4.3 M - Energy Savings: 10,000 MWh - 102 Municipalities -$1 Million in incentives -$1.6 Million in energy cost savings August 2015-June 2019 - -Energy Savings: 34,101MWh* -EPAC Walkthrough - Energy Capital Projects: $8 M - Capacity Building $60k - More than 100 projects October 2017 - Toronto SSO - Stratford Project -Espanola Bio Solids - Few Demonstration Project - Energy and GHG Plan Energy & GHG P4P Program EESP Program INDRA:Provide examples on each Strategic Partnership examples, and few examples of pilots Data (Hydro, M&T) Assessment EE Projects Incentives Shared savings
Energy and GHG Energy Conservation Initiative Energy Efficiency Energy Audits, Engineering Studies Municipal Energy Plan, Aboriginal Community Energy Plan Measurement and Verification (M&V) Activities Implement Energy Efficiency Capital Projects GHG Reduction Initiative GHG GHG Inventory and GHG Plan Education and Capacity Building Monitoring and Targeting (M&T) GHG Baseline and Calculator Development Implement Energy Incentive Program Energy P4P Program Facilitate Energy Savings Incentives for all energy capital projects through OCWA pilot P4P program INDRA We plan to talk about how the Energy program evolved to incorporate incentive program and then GHG program
Going Forward Sector Expert to drive energy and GHG reduction in collaboration with IESO Support CF funded projects to find host facilities Water-Energy-GHG Nexus Behind the meter generation Energy Storage Representation in various working groups Aboriginal Programs