World War I The 100th anniversary remembered in resources from and through your library
The start of the war BBC: World War I remembered
Why did World War 1 start? Video from British Pathé on YouTube in the Library's Audiovisual Film & Video resources
Britons – your country needs you Britons – your country needs you! from the BBC: World War I remembered site
Willing recruits
She Didn't Raise Her Boy to Be a Slacker: Motherhood, Conscription, and the Culture of the First World War from JSTOR's Arts and Sciences collection III which can be found in the Journal subscriptions section of the Library's VLE pages.
Conscientious objectors in WWI William Harrison’s No-conscription Fellowship card
Oh! What a lovely war Oh, What a Lovely War! is an epic musical developed by Joan Littlewood and her ensemble at the Theatre Workshop in 1963 as a satire on World War 1. The Library has a DVD, CD and several scores for Oh, What a lovely war in its collections.
Film propaganda and Kultur: the German dilemma, 1914-1917. 'The war game is continuous' productions and receptions of Theatre Workshop's Oh What A Lovely War. Studies in Theatre & Performance. 2003, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p71-85. 15p EBSCOhost's International Bibliography of Theatre and Dance Permalink Film propaganda and Kultur: the German dilemma, 1914-1917. Film & History. Winter 2015, Vol. 45 Issue 2, p4-12. 9p EBSCOhost's International Bibliography of Theatre and Dance Permalink A Costume Correspondence. TD&T: Theatre Design & Technology. Winter2013, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p12-22. 11p EBSCOhost's International Bibliography of Theatre and Dance Permalink
World War I DVDs in library stock
WWI as a global war
WWI - the world's war (BBC) The contribution of black people and colonial troops to WWI. How the colonies made WWI a global war The Chinese labour corp The African-American war hero who had to fight for France West African troops in the French army Indian soldiers and friendship The Indian flying-ace of WWI
Battle of the Somme "Jeffery and Robert and I" a Simon Hopper song inspired by a trip with two friends to the battle sites of the Somme
Sounds of WWI What did World War I sound like? BBC site recreating some of the sounds of war. See also the Library's collection of Sound Effects SFX CDs
Casualties of war Injury & death [Audio file] BBC Soldiers’ stories audio gallery The trenches [Audio file] BBC Soldiers stories audio gallery Gas attack [Audio file] BBC Soldiers’ stories audio gallery Voices of the First World War [Audio file] Imperial War Museum
All quiet on the Western front A 1930 American epic war film based on the Erich Maria Remarque novel of the same name. Film and International Politics: The Banning of "All Quiet on the Western Front" in Germany and Austria, 1930-1931 from Historian 52.1 in JISC Journal Archives
The Christmas truce, 1914 On December 7, 1914, Pope Benedict XV suggested a temporary hiatus of the war for the celebration of Christmas. The warring countries refused to create any official cease-fire, but on Christmas the soldiers in the trenches declared their own unofficial truce. Starting on Christmas Eve, many German and British troops sang Christmas carols to each other across the lines, and at certain points the Allied soldiers even heard brass bands joining the Germans in their joyous singing. At the first light of dawn on Christmas Day, some German soldiers emerged from their trenches and approached the Allied lines across no-man’s-land, calling out “Merry Christmas” in their enemies’ native tongues. At first, the Allied soldiers feared it was a trick, but seeing the Germans unarmed they climbed out of their trenches and shook hands with the enemy soldiers. The men exchanged presents of cigarettes and plum puddings and sang carols and songs. There was even a documented case of soldiers from opposing sides playing a good- natured game of soccer.
Books & images in the Berg Fashion Library on the Costume Resources page of the Library's VLE. Uniforms for women “an account of the First world war includes eight photographs of women’s war contributions as bus conductors (“for the first time ever”); land girls (“to help food production”); ambulance officers (“marched smartly by to do their bit”); “there were even women in the Fire Brigade” saluting at dismissal” Tweed, Male Fashion, and Modern Masculinities, 1851–1918 Fiona Anderson “Between 1914 and 1918, the production of woolen cloths in Britain was dramatically affected by the First World War”. Into the Twentieth Century Valerie Steele “If you compare a dress from 1900 with one from 1925, the difference is so great that it seems only a catastrophe such as the First World War could have changed fashion so dramatically”.
Animals in war
War horses
War poets There are several books of poems from the War Poets of the First World War in Library stock. See also the First World War Poetry Digital Archive from Oxford University Press. Hear “For the fallen” [Audio file] Rupert Brooke Ivor Gurney Wilfred Owen Siegfried Sassoon EdwardThomas
World War 1 - how did it end World War 1 - how did it end? Video from British Pathé on YouTube in the Library's Audiovisual Film & Video resources The Armistice on the front line [Audio file] Imperial War Museum: Voices of the First World War: The Armistice [Audio file]
We will remember them … The day thou gavest, Last post & Rouse