ITALIAN TEXTILE MACHINERY SECTOR 84% exported in 130 Countries 300 companies 12,000 employees € 2.9 billion of turnover 84% exported in 130 Countries
ITALIAN TEXTILE MACHINERY EXPORTS BY AREAS 2017* *excluding laundry machinery Source: ACIMIT on ISTAT database
ITALIAN TEXTILE MACHINERY EXPORTS TO MAIN COUNTRIES (2017, million euro)* *excluding laundry machinery Source: ACIMIT on ISTAT database
THE ITALIAN SUPPLY OF TEXTILE MACHINERY Breakdown of Italian exports by segments (2017)* *excluding laundry machinery Source: ACIMIT on ISTAT database 4
The keys of success of Italian leadership tradition innovation
TRADITION Textile/textile machinery sectors have a long history in Italy. The main features are: The industrial cluster model Skilled workforce and know how Small dimension of companies i.e. flexibility, versatility Customized production
AT THE EDGE OF INNOVATION Italian machinery is characterized by highly level of technology Italian companies are AT THE EDGE OF INNOVATION more than 5% of turnover is spent in R&D activities Topics of Italian R&D activities in textile machinery sector: - ENERGY SAVINGS - MACHINE PRODUCTIVITY
INNOVATION = SUSTAINABILITY Nowadays increasing ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS is already leading to change in the textile value chain SUSTAINABILITY plays a significant role in the purchase of textile and clothing items In many Countries there are targets related to energy and raw material efficiency These CHALLENGES for textile companies offer OPPORTUNITIES to increase energy efficiency, reduce costs and increase competitiveness Italian textile machinery manufacturers are already successfully offering solutions in order to transform today challenges in tomorrow opportunities