Assessment Needs Analysis STAGE 6 = ASSESSOR This document must then be reviewed, completed, and signed off by an Assessor. Assessors should complete SECTION 1, confirming the integrity of the carry-forward ratings from the previous ANA and indicating whether or not they are satisfied as to whether the trainee has now achieved the final required competence level for each task. This may need to be done through consultation with the evaluator (if the assessor is not also the evaluator).
Assessor Review & Sign Off on ANA Assessor signoff on ANA: Check quality and notes & ratings on ANA For Final year or Final Sign Offs on nominated skills “Ready for Final Signoff”
Assessor: Sign Off on ANA …Scenario 2: continue The Needs Analysis page for the selected trainee will open Click on Assessor Sign Off Click on the relevant Section hyperlinks to review the sections. The Print section link will give a summary of the entire section in a printable format.
Assessor: Review Section 1 …Scenario 2: continue In clicking on the Section 1 hyperlink an Outcomes Summary Page will open. The Assessor should click on the relevant outcomes hyperlinks to review the details of the ANA of a specific outcome.
Assessor: Review major Assignments for Next Six Months …Scenario 2: continue
Assessor: Review Academic Progress …Scenario 2: continue
Assessor: Review Supplementary Training in Last Six Months …Scenario 2: continue
Assessor: Review Evaluator’s Conclusion
Assessor: Review Development Plan
Assessor: Sign Off on ANA …Scenario 2: continue Click on Assessor Sign Off Click on Continue on the next page to proceed with the sign off.
Assessor: Sign Off on ANA …Scenario 2: continue Assessor Final Sign Off Page
TRAINEE’S FINAL YEAR ANA – Final Sign Off on Technical Skills
Assessor: If ready for final sign off review evidence presented Assessor select an Overall Rating: Not Yet Competent = want the trainee to perform more assessments on this competency Competent = Trainee don’t need to be rated further in training program on this competency.
Assessor: May add comment when necessary
Assessor don’t want to signoff on skill Select “Not Yet Competent” The technical Skills is still active for further assessments on trainee’s TSR
Assessor signed off on Overall Rating as Competent NOTE: 1 Assessor signed off on Overall Rating as Competent NOTE: 1. The signed off Technical skill will disappear from the Trainee’s future TSR templates. 2. Trainee not required to perform any further assessments on the signed off technical skills. (This can be reversed if required later… Email a support request to LTS Support)
Assessor: Signoff & Comment on Overall ANA Rating
Assessment Needs Analysis STAGE 6 = ASSESSOR This document must then be reviewed, completed, and signed off by an Assessor. Assessors should complete SECTION 1, confirming the integrity of the carry-forward ratings from the previous ANA and indicating whether or not they are satisfied as to whether the trainee has now achieved the final required competence level for each task. This may need to be done through consultation with the evaluator (if the assessor is not also the evaluator).
Outcomes Status Report Compares last ANA rating to the expected level
Trainee Status Report Shows all completed documents & date of sign offs Groups SRs to ANAs
Trainee Status Report
Incomplete Item Notifications Send a bulk email to the responsible user on all incomplete items
Easy functional reporting Simple yet effective reminders of outstanding assessments
Messages sent as reminders customised to suit your company needs
All signed off SRs and ANAs Old documents are available and printable
Score Grid Report SRs and ANAs Displays all outcomes and assessment in a grid layout
Company Usage Report
User Activity Report
Questions? …Other Questions…? I have a question regarding the SAICA Assessment Process Read the quick start guide under “Documents” link View the training screencasts under Tutorials” section on home page Contact the support center via email I have a question regarding the SAICA Assessment Criteria Ask your Training Officer or any Assessor I have a specific question regarding “How to… on LTS” Email Or contact +27 12 253 0017 …Other Questions…?