Free body diagram Fundamental relations Power required for road loads
Recall vehicle FBD DA x Wsinθ ha Wcosθ W/g ax W h B Rxf z Fxf Rhx A θ Wf Fxf Rxf Wr Fxr Rxr x z ha DA W/g ax Wcosθ Wsinθ W hh Rhx Rhz h L dh b A B
Road Loads - drag
Road Loads - rolling Rolling Resistance as a constant Vehicle Type Concrete Medium hard Sand Cars 0.015 0.08 0.30 Trucks 0.012 0.06 0.25 Tractors 0.020 0.04 0.20 Rolling Resistance as Function of Velocity
Road Loads - grade grade Remember: convert grade to angle
Spreadsheet on website: Total Road Loads, Power Spreadsheet on website: