Chunking Content into “Digestible Bites” Design Question 2 – Element 9
Chunking Content into “Digestible Bites” How will you break the content into small chunks (i.e. digestible bites) of information that can be easily processed by students to generate a clear conclusion?
Before we begin… Before we begin talking about element eight, let’s be sure that there is an understanding about how the elements in Design Question 2 are related. This is important as you plan your lessons. Watch the video on the next slide. Please take notes, documenting how the elements in Design Question 2 are related.
How do the elements in DQ2 relate to each other? Introduction to Design Question 2 DSBPCProDevelopment. "Intro to Design Question #2 Interacting with New Knowledge." YouTube. YouTube, 24 Oct. 2013. Web. 9 Mar. 2016.
How are the elements related to each other? You should have noticed: Intentional planning is required for all elements in DQ2 Elements 6-9 (in red in the diagram to the right) the teacher directs the student learning. In elements 10-13 (in black) the teacher guides the students so that they may work through the information independently. (Gradual Release) Now let’s talk about element nine, specifically. Gradual Release DSBPCProDevelopment. "Intro to Design Question #2 Interacting with New Knowledge." YouTube. YouTube, 24 Oct. 2013. Web. 9 Mar. 2016.
Review Teacher and Student Evidence NOTE: This list of evidence is not all inclusive but is instead a list of possible examples.
Review Scale for Element 9
Desired Effect in the Students Strategies will only produce desired effect when implemented accurately and in the right context. The desired effect is, “Students process and learn information in appropriate chunks.” To receive an Innovating rating, the teacher must adapt and create new strategies for unique student needs and situations in order for the desired effect to be evident in ALL students.
Before watching the videos, think about… How do you chunk information into “digestible bites” in your instruction? How do you determine what is a “digestible bite” for your students?
Examples of Element 9: Chunking Content into “Digestible Bites” Design Question 2, Element 9: Chunking Information into Digestible Bites Note: you must be logged into iObservation to view the following videos. Once you have logged into iObservation, click resource library and type the following into the search bar: Chunking Content (Ninth Grade) Chunking Content (Fourth Grade) DSBPCProDevelopment. "Element 9 Chunking Content into "Digestible Bites"" YouTube. YouTube, 14 Nov. 2013. Web. 22 June 2016.
Now that you have watched the videos, reflect… To achieve an Applying rating, how can you appropriately chunk content into digestible bites? Need monitoring ideas? Click Here To achieve an Innovating rating, what are some ways you can adapt and create new strategies for chunking content into digestible bites for ALL unique student needs and situations? Need adaptation ideas? Click Here
Remember… Student prior knowledge, level of learners, and complexity of content will help you decide the appropriateness of digestible bites. Teachers need to determine if content is declarative or procedural knowledge Declarative knowledge is compromised of concepts and details that logically go together Procedural knowledge is compromised of steps in a process that go together
It’s Your Evaluation, Make the Most of It! Your evaluator will only rate you on what he/she sees which is OK because it is not necessary for you to have everything checked in the teacher and/or student evidence to receive a good rating. Also, remember you can invite your evaluator to your classroom to see you using this element. You have control of what your evaluator sees.
Is This Element in Your PGP? Sign into Click on the Growth tab Click on the Plans option. Open your current plan and fill out a new Reflection Log, answering the appropriate questions. Decide how you will change your teaching as a result of viewing this module. Execute your change, reflect on its impact, and complete another Reflection Log in iObservation.
How Are You Supported? Here are resources in case you have further questions: Your evaluator Another evaluator on your campus Your school’s Classroom Practice Mentors (CPMs) For more examples and resources visit the All About Marzano website Everything you ever wanted to know (and more) about Chunking Content into Digestible Bites – Pasco County Schools