Filtration Filtration methods for binary images Filtration methods for color images
Binary image filtration Morphological filters Statistical filters
Color image filtration Statistical Color distance based
Morphological filters Based on basic morphological operations: Erode & Dilate Erosion: Dilation: X – an image A – Structural element
Structural element Usual SE’s are: cross block Also could be any form
Dilate – increasing operator cross block
Erode – reducing operator cross block
Open filter Sequential applying Erosion Dilation
Open example: cross block
Close filter Sequential applying Dilation Erosion
Close example cross block
Sequential filters Open-close filter Close-open filter
Rank operator A – structural element of n cells boolean function of n variables where binary image
Rank operator , where boolean function of n variables Which have value of 1 if at least k variables equals to 1, and 0 otherwise where is a complimentary part of A
Median filter for binary images , where n is odd, and cross block
Statistical filters Based on probability statistics of filtered pixel within a local neighborhood Better pixel “prediction” with extended templates
Statistical filters First phase – determining statistical context of the image Second phase – flipping pixels with low probability values, assuming they as noise.
Morphological vs. Statistical Statistical – 2 pass filters. With big templates huge memory consumption. Statistical filters adapt to the image.
Statistics example 1 Nb = 104 Nw = 152 P(b|c) = 2.87% Threshold = 5% Pixel will be changed to white
10% threshold Contexts in total: 16, Pixels removed: 377 of 40000
Context tree filtering Fixed template Huge memory consumption , where k is the size of template Not all context are used
Color image filtration
Statistical filters Fixed template Enormous memory consumption , where k is the size of template, and n is amount of colors Not all context are used
Context tree filtration
End of day 1 Questions?