Summary WG4 Elisabetta Pallante EF07 Orsay


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Presentation transcript:

Summary WG4 Elisabetta Pallante EF07 Orsay

Analytic methods for non perturbative QCD

What about AdS/CFT ? Resonances and ghosts Bounds from unitarity crossing analyticity plenary

From AdS/CFT to AdS/QCD ? Quark Gluon Plasma at RHIC: confinement and running coupling of secondary importance Up – down approach Bottom – up approach Hadron physics ? ‘t Hooft coupling l=g2Nc not smooth ? Shuryak hep-ph/0711.0004

Scalar Mn2 = 4n + 8 Vector Mn2 = 4n + 12 r meson Mn2 = 4n + 4 spectrum given by 1d Schroedinger equation Play with modifications of dilaton background and/or bulk geometry


Large-NC resonance relations from partial wave analyses EuroFlavours 07, 14-16 November 2007 Univ. Paris-Sud XI - Orsay Large-NC resonance relations from partial wave analyses J.J. Sanz-Cillero (IFAE - UAB) Z.H. Guo, J.J. Sanz-Cillero and H.Q. Zheng [ JHEP 0706 (2007) 030 ]; arXiv:0710.2163 [hep-ph]

Study Partial-Wave scattering amplitudes in the s,t,u channels through once-subtracted dispersive relations at large-Nc  (good high energy behaviour) Matching with cPT up to order p6 LECs MR , GR Prediction of LECs at order p6 of the chiral lagrangian

New dispersive method for the the study of LECs and resonance constraints at large-NC Easy implementation of high & low-energy constraints independent of the realization of the resonance lagrangian Successfully checked for a wide set of different phenomenological lagrangians Useful tool for future studies of other scattering amplitudes

Ghosts ?

Spin 1 massive fields: Proca equation and all that … Project onto physical d.o.f. :  kinetic t. Nothing more than that … Higher spin Rarita-Schwinger fields More intricate: acausal propagators Shamaly, Capri Unified theories for massive spin 1 fields, Can.J.Phys. 51 (1973)1467, Annals of Phys. 74 (1972)503

Analitycity Unitarity Crossing

Possibly related to radius of convergence …

Analitycity Unitarity Crossing A few more references on axiomatic principles Ananthanarayan, Toublan, Wanders, PRD 51 (1995) 1093 Pham, Truong, PRD 31 (1985) 3027 higher derivatives Dita, PRD 59 (1999) 094007 positivity constraints Lang, Porod, PRD 21 (1980) 1295 pK phase shifts Lang, Stefansen, PLB 79 (1978) 479

Future In the last two decades we have reshaped our view of quantum field theories. EFT are at the foundations of modern quantum field theory. Effective field theories of low energy QCD significantly contributed to our modern view Where is the future of EFT? Bridging (SU)GRA theories and 4-dimensional universe High precision very low energy physics e.g. EDM New formalisms? Charm decays Intermediate T,m