KEY audience theories BY SHEA KEALEY
Hypodermic needle theory This theory can be described as a linear model of communication It is about how the media can influence their audiences It was given this name as, like a hypodermic needle injects, one or more pieces of information are injected into the viewers mind, metaphorically of course It can also be referred to as ‘magic bullet theory’ and also ‘hypodermic-syringe model’ It was very relevant in the 1920s and 30s as a man called Harold Lasswell promoted it heavily It was mostly used back then to change the publics opinion on certain matters
Passive audience theory Different media texts are consumed by the different audiences in different ways Audience members could be ‘passive’ or ‘active’ A passive model means that the type of text shown has an effect on the audience members An active model suggests that the viewer interacts with the information and text presented, to create a meaning Little attention is payed to information that has a passive model whereas an active model generally obtains a lot more concentration
Uses and gratifications theory This particular theory focuses mainly on the audience members in specific, rather than focusing on how or what messages are conveyed It suggests that the audience has got an active role in the way in which media is integrated into their own lives It goes on to suggest that they use media to fulfil a certain gratification.. This further implies that the media has to compete against other popular sources of information to acquire the audiences’ “gratification”
Two step-flow model This is a model that was first introduced by Hazel Gaudet, Bernard Berelson and Paul Lazarsfeld which focuses on the process of decision making The information from this model paved a new pathway for more research into newer more developed models The two step-flow model is the suggestion that the audiences decisions and opinions are directly influenced by the leaders who are then influenced by the mass media. This model closely resembles the hypodermic needle model as it shows that the mass media has an influence over the audience
Drip-drip effect This theory is also known as ‘the cultural effects model’. It suggests that the media is directly influence by the most powerful groups in modern society of which interest have a strong influence over the media This means that the media can gradually influence the audiences’ idea and everyday views of the world around them To summarize, this effect is when a certain ideology is “dripped” into the public by the mass media, the more people who may change their mind and believe the information to be true
Reception theory The reception theory is a situation that happens when the directors and producers create a text with a hidden meaning behind it They usually want to convey this meaning to the audience This is usually referred to as ’audience reception’ in analyising the various communication models This theory is commonly focused on the historical changes that have occurred that changed the influence of the audience (in their opinions of the media)
bibliography Hypodermic Needle Theory - Passive Audience Theory - theories Uses and Gratifications Theory – theory-6933502 Two step-flow model - cluster/Mass%20Media/Two_Step_Flow_Theory-1/ Drip-drip effect – Reception theory -