Objectives What is pressure? Everyday examples? How do we calculate pressure?
Why do camels have wide, splayed feet?
Why do Inuit wear snowshoes when walking in soft snow?
Why does a drawing pin have a large flat head and a sharp, pointed end?
How do we calculate pressure?
Pressure Formula Force (N) Pressure = (N/m2) Area (m2) Force (N) (N/cm2) Area (cm2)
F P A x P = F A
Examples A person weighs 650N. They measure the area of their foot to be 325cm2. What is the pressure under each foot? Answer: they have 2 feet, so total area is 650cm2 P = F A = 650 650 = 1N/cm2
How would pressure change? If you decreased the area? If you increase the force?
What two suggestions would you make? A friend is caught in quicksand.