By: Aaron Cox Jason Mills Warren Reeder Devin Roberts Four Guys, One Cup By: Aaron Cox Jason Mills Warren Reeder Devin Roberts
The Team
Introduction The goal of the project was to construct a “mechanical motor” capable of lifting a 1 kilogram object to a height of 1 meter in 10 seconds. The budget and dimensions of the project constrained the team. Complication and inefficiency were intentionally built into the device.
Sequence of Failures FAIL FAIL FAIL SUCCESS! Attempt 1- Use of a high speed fan rotary device. Attempt 2- Use of a fan oscillator. Attempt 3- Use of BIG fan oscillator. Attempt 4- Pepsi bottle full of sand. FAIL FAIL SUCCESS!
Overview of Device Dominos Golf Ball Cup Switch Motor Board Pepsi Rubber stopper
Stored Energy Potential energy was stored in two places: Golf Ball Pepsi Bottle Energy lost in multiple places: Sandpaper Rubber stopper Electrical energy exists…
Conclusions The building of our project took approximately 15 hours to plan, construct, and test the project. We overcame many burdens. We didn’t think things out too great. In the end, we lifted the object after much frustration, cursing, and eating donuts.