THIS IS Jeopardy
With Your Host... Mrs. Grassl
Jeopardy Application of Li. Devices 4 Application of Lit. Devices 3 Definitions Of Literary Devices 1 Definitions Literary Devices 2 Application Lit. Devices 1 Application Lit. Devices 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500
A direct comparison between two things
What is a metaphor? A 100
A comparison using “like” or “as”
What is a simile? A 200
The technique of giving non-human things human-like qualities.
What is personification
An extreme exaggeration for effect.
What is hyperbole? A 400
The repetition of the initial consonant in close by words.
What is alliteration? A 500
Making a word to imitate a sound. B 100
What is onomatopoeia? B 100
Two contradictory terms placed together. B 200
What is an oxymoron? B 200
Speaking to an inanimate object as if it were alive.
What is an apostrophe? B 300
A play on words. B 400
What is a pun? B 400
The repetition of initial consonants in nearby words.
What is alliteration? B 500
He was as angry as a bear! C 100
What is a simile? C 100
He was a bear. C 200
What is a metaphor? C 200
The wise fool C 300
What is an oxymoron? C 300
The ruby red ribbon rounded the circle.
What is alliteration? C 400
Oh clock…why do you tick away?
What is an apostrophe? C 500
What is an onomatopoeia? D 100
Peter Piper Picked a Pack of Pickled Peppers
What is an alliteration? D 200
The tree grabbed me. D 300
What is personification? D 300
She looked at him with loving hate.
What is an oxymoron? D 400
English nine is the best class EVER! D 500
What is hyperbole? D 500
The rock tripped me E 100
Who is personification?
She was as mad as a wet hen!
What is a simile? E 200
The car sped off…zoom. E 300
What is an onomatopoeia?
Tim McGraw is the cutest man in the world.
What is the truth…just kidding. What is a hyperbole? E 400
Life is a dance, you learn as you go Life is a dance, you learn as you go. Sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow. E 500
What is a metaphor? E 500
No Question F 100
No question F 100
No question F 200
No question F 200
No question F 300
No question F 300
No question F 400
No question F 400
No question F 500
No question F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Understanding Literary Devices Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
Personification Alliteration Hyperbole Apostrophe Write YOUR OWN examples of the following: Personification Alliteration Hyperbole Apostrophe Click on screen to continue
Correct Final Jeopardy Response is Answers may vary. Click on screen to continue
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