Love and Serve the Lord (part 1) Alive-O 5 Term 3: Lesson 5 Love and Serve the Lord (part 1)
The Ascension Story After he had eaten, Jesus spent some time talking to his friends, helping them to understand what God the Father wanted them to do from now on.
It would not always be easy to do what God wanted them to do from now on.
Then Jesus told them that he was going back to the Father Then Jesus told them that he was going back to the Father. He would ask God to send special help for the work they had to do and the way they had to live their lives.
Then he took his friends to the edge of the town of Bethany Then he took his friends to the edge of the town of Bethany. There he blessed them.
As he blessed them, he moved away from them and was carried up into heaven.
His friends went back to Jerusalem full of joy and praising God.
Bible Search Luke 24:44-53 Acts 1:3-11