Graduate Record of Achievement and Development (GRAD)
Select My project
Select My project
Review your project details
Create and review supervision meeting notes
Edit your current training needs and print your training record
Create and review your First Formal Progress Report
Supervision Meeting
Select Supervision meetings
Select new supervision meeting
Enter date, time and location
Your supervisor is automatically notified of the date, time and location entered.
Edit meeting notes
Edit your discussion notes and add any agreed action points
Your supervisor is automatically notified by email.
Supervisor Edits meeting notes
Edit agreed action points and add supervisor discussion notes
The supervision meeting notes are now confirmed and can no longer be edited.
Development (Training)
Select Training needs
Enter your current level
Select Training plan
When you have achieved the development objective, return to the form
Select Events
Download and print your training record
First Formal Progress Report
Select First Formal Progress Report
Confirm you’d like to start your First Formal Progress Report
Complete the form
Save and finish
Confirm you’d like to submit your report Confirm you’d like to submit your report. You can add additional notes for your supervisor.
Your supervisor is automatically notified Your supervisor is automatically notified. You can track the current status of the application via the STATUS box.
Edit supervisor report
Complete the report
Confirm the report is complete
The PGR and full supervisory team are notified
The End