Reflections of a Career in Local Government Asset Management Natalie Kent
content history what has been achieved the future
history 23 years 1992- to get subsidy 1997 - was using AMP to budget – at least I was, the engineers and operators were still managing by “I reckon” 2006 – Awareness building 2009 - Mandated in legislation in Qld 2015 -AG says 60% have up to date plans in Qld 23 years
what has been achieved?
what has been achieved? cont. Plans A lot of starts and stops Lots of volume ? Quality to audience Improved skills Linked budgets, long term financials and asset management plans
what has been achieved?
what has been achieved?
the future Plans will be utilised as a robust source document Used to make long term decisions Different set of analysis and asset management skill Will be used to make policy decisions
from experience Keep it simple - needs to be updated regularly Quality not volume Who is the audience Just imagine!