An answer to a question as old as mankind Moon Phases An answer to a question as old as mankind Materials per student: blank sheet of copy paper, scissors, ruler, colored pencils, small 3 oz. cup (to trace for our Earth in the middle), half of an index card Cut & fold the paper as shown. Draw an Earth in the center “window” by tracing the cup. Add 4 moons Factoring in the sun’s position, shade the night side of each moon. Name each moon phase. Inside-draw the Earth view, and 2 sentences, explaining where the moon/earth/sun are positioned, what the moon looks like (from Earth) and why. Teachers-make one yourself beforehand, so you have an example to show, and because it will help you be more descriptive in your presentation. I also find it helpful to print this out for myself. Click print under “Print what:” select Handouts then in the Handouts box select 6 Slides per page.
Draw a line 7 cm down Cut
Make a tiny mark halfway across
Folds end over
Trace around the index card near the middle
Trace around the index card near the middle Cut lines you just drew, forming a window Now cut here (top side only!) Draw an “Earth” inside the window
Trace around the index card near the middle Cut lines you just drew, forming a window Now cut here (top side only!) Draw an “Earth” inside the window
1st Qtr. Moon New Moon Which quarter? Full Moon 3rd Qtr. Moon Let’s shade the day/night side of each moon Full Moon 3rd Qtr. Moon
1st Qtr. Moon Full Moon 3rd Qtr. Moon View from earth A new moon occurs when… How are the moon/earth/sun positioned? What does the moon look like, and why? Now you finish the rest: View from Earth on inside Notes about it on outside Full Moon 3rd Qtr. Moon