PRESENTATION OF MONTENEGRO Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Working Group for Chapter 10 – Information society and media Bilateral screening: Chapter 10 PRESENTATION OF MONTENEGRO Brussels, 21-22 January 2013
AUTHORISATION DIRECTIVE Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA Nikola Ivanović Adviser to Director Agency for Electronic Media M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA Relevant Acquis DIRECTIVE 2002/20/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 7 March 2002 on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services (Authorisation Directive) DIRECTIVE 2009/140/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 November 2009 amending Directives 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, 2002/19/EC on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities, and 2002/20/EC on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA National Legislation Law on Electronic Communications Off. Gazette of Montenegro 50/08, 70/09, 49/10, 32/11 Electronic Media Law Off. Gazette of Montenegro 46/10, 40/11, 53/11 M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA Contents General Authorisation Rights of use radio frequencies and numbers Conditions attached to general authorisation and to the rights of use for radio frequencies and for numbers, and specific obligations Procedure for limiting the number of rights of use to be granted for radio frequencies Compliance with the conditions of the general authorisation or of rights of use and with specific obligations Information required under the general authorisation, for rights of use and for the specific obligations Administrative charges Fees for rights of use and rights to install facilities Administrative charges in Electronic Media Law Amendment of rights and obligations Proposal of Law on Electronic Communications and amended provisions of the Authorisation Directive M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
General authorisation Chapter 10: Information society and media General authorisation of electronic communications networks and services Freedom to provide electronic communication networks or electronic communication services Article 22 guarantees the right to construct, provide and use electronic communications networks and equipment with associated infrastructure, under the conditions prescribed by this Law, regulations adopted based on it and the other regulations if, in doing so, it does not interfere with the public order, human life and health, public and national security Written application to NRA Article 31 obliges undertakings to submit written application to NRA before beginning, ending or changing the regime of usage of the public electronic communications network or providing public electronic communications services only necessary data in order to sign in, delete or update Official Register Providing electronic communications networks and services are not subject to any other conditions apart from specific ones (Annexes of Authorisation Directive) Princip opšte autorizacije iz člana 3 direktive o autorizaciji na sledeći način Članom 22 predviđeno je da svako pravno i fizičko lice može izgrađivati, obezbjeđivati i koristiti elektronske komunikacione mreže i opremu pod uslovima određenim zakonom osim ukoliko ova aktivnost nije u suprotnosti sa javnim redom, životom i zdravljem ljudi, kao i nacionalnom i javnom bezbjednošću. Člano 31 definisano je da se djelatnost pružanja usluga mreža elektronskih komunikacija, kao i usluga koje se pružaju posredstvom mreža elektronskih komunikacija može obavlajti na osnovu prijave nacionalnom regulatornom tijelu. Ova prijava ima za cilj upis lica u registar operatora i prikupljanje miinimuma informacija o operatoru. Takođe, operatoru u skladu sa zakonom mogu biti nametnute i druge posebne obaveze kojih se operator mora pridržavati, u skladu sa listom obaveza iz Aneksa direktive (Part A, Part B i Part C) M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Minimum list of rights derived from the general authorisation Chapter 10: Information society and media Minimum list of rights derived from the general authorisation Right to provide electronic communications networks and services Facility installation and right of way is subject of another Law Right to negotiate access and interconnection Article 34 gives right and obliges undertakings to negotiate interconnection and access Opportunity to provide Universal Service Nakon podnesene prijave, pravno ili fizičko lice može da pruža usluge elektronskih komunikacija. Zakon omogućava svakom operatoru da pregovara interkonekciju i pristup. Bliži uslovi koji se odnose na interkonekciju i pristup, kao i obaveze operatora po pitanjima interkonekcije i pristupa propisani su članom 34 zakona. Pitanja prava puta, kao i izgradnje objekata nijesu tretirana ovim zakonom. Član 24 zakona utvrđuje vezu sa zakonom kojim su uređena pitanja izgradnje objekata, ali ne definiše bliže uslove. Takođe, svaki operator može biti određen za operatora univerzalnog servisa, na osnovu javnog konkursa, a u skladu sa članom 54 zakona. M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
The provisions of Electronic Media Law Chapter 10: Information society and media The provisions of Electronic Media Law Article 97 –Types of approvals for AVM service provision broadcasting provision of on-demand AVM services Article 98 and 99 - granting broadcasting rights Public competition: Agency for Electronic Media (AEM) is obliged to announce pubic competition for granting broadcasting rights in case when a legal or a natural person intends to broadcast using frequencies envisaged by the Frequency Allocation Plan for analogue broadcasting or in case when it intends to obtain access to digital terrestrial broadcasting multiplex Before announcing public competition, the AEM is obliged to obtain data from the regulatory body responsible for electronic communications on availability of frequencies or free resources within digital terrestrial broadcasting multiplex intended for AVM services. Upon request Articles 100 and 101 Content and procedure of the public competition Criteria for selection shall be objective, measurable and non-discriminatory Article 116 Types of approval for on-demand AVM services Public competition Article 117 Content of the public competition M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Rights of use for radio frequencies and numbers Chapter 10: Information society and media Rights of use for radio frequencies and numbers Frequency allocation plan Frequency assignment plans Right of use for radio frequencies Article 65 stipulates that natural persons and legal entities may use radio frequencies only based on a decision on approval of use of radio frequencies issued by the Agency Based on the Frequency Allocation Plan or international documents, the Ministry determines which frequencies could be used without approval Approval for radio frequencies is issued upon request of undertaking or based on a tender procedure for radio frequencies used for broadcasting and in case of limited number of rights Public tender procedure for granting rights of use of radio frequencies to providers of radio and television broadcast content is conducted pursuant Electronic Media Law Deadlines Shorter than 45 days upon request Within 15 days after notification from Electronic Media Agency on granted rights Less than three months after submission of application M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Rights of use for radio frequencies and numbers Chapter 10: Information society and media Rights of use for radio frequencies and numbers Numbering Plan and Plan of Addresses Right of use for numbers Pursuant to Article 89 numbers and addresses may be used based on approval obtained from the Agency General administrative procedure or tender procedure when it is estimated that interest surpasses availability of the resource Deadlines 15 days upon request 30 days in the case of tender procedure M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Chapter 10: Information society and media Conditions attached to general authorisation and to the rights of use for radio frequencies and for numbers, and specific obligations Overview of articles with specific conditions Annex – Part A Article A.1 58 A.2 32,84,97 A.3 34 A.4 88 A.5 24-50 A.6 38 A.7 119, 121.124 A.8 102-104, 106-114 A.9 / A.10 31 paragraph 4 A.11 125 A.12 60,61 A.13 86 A.14 45-48, 50,51 A.15 25, 60 A.16 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 A.17 85 A.18 8,36,106,134 Annex – Part B Article B.1 63,64,76 B.2 65,76 B.3 B.4 77 B.5 79 B.6 84 B.7 76 paragraph 7 B.8 76 paragraph 8 Annex – Part C Article C.1 87,93 C.2 C.3 93 paragraph 5 C.4 98-100 C.5 92 paragraph 4 C.6 94 C.7 97 C.8 C.9 93 paragraph 7 M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Procedure for limiting the number of rights of use Chapter 10: Information society and media Procedure for limiting the number of rights of use to be granted for radio frequencies Article 68 Interest in particular radio frequencies exceeds the availability Interested parties are asked to express their view concerning the conditions for the use of frequencies, market value of frequencies and on limiting number of approvals for radio frequencies 30 days Agency is obliged to confidentiality If the Agency, on the basis of the response of interested parties, determines that allocated radio frequencies would not be sufficient for all interested parties it isobliged to implement tender procedures for the assigned radio frequencies M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Compliance with the conditions of the general authorisation Chapter 10: Information society and media Compliance with the conditions of the general authorisation or of rights of use and with specific obligations Article 18 obliges undertakings to provide any necessary information Article 19 stipulates decision making procedures Decisions are made by the Agency Council General administrative procedure Decision to be reached within three months Decisions are made public Articles 129 to 134 define supervision procedures Inspection supervision activities are performed by the Ministry in line with this Law and the Law on Inspection Supervision Expert Supervision is performed by the Agency M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Information required under the general authorisation, Chapter 10: Information society and media Information required under the general authorisation, for rights of use and for the specific obligations Article 18 Electronic communications network and service providers are obliged to make available all information at their disposal, including financial, to the Agency upon written request pursuant to Article 18 Agency specifies deadlines and the form of requested information Request of the Agency must be explained and proportionate to the purpose and expected effect This information is not used prior to or as a condition for market access. M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Administrative charges Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA Financial sources of the Agency are the following: registration fees fees for performing activities of regulation and supervision of the market fees based on authorization for use of radio frequencies and numbering fees defined in the Laws regulating the field subject to the jurisdiction of the Agency. Regular annual fee costs of regulation and supervision of the market in the electronic communications sector Up to 1.5 % of total annual revenue of an operator generated in the previous year regulation expenses and market supervision in the sector of electronic communications are foreseen by the Financial Plan M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Fees for rights of use and rights to install facilities Chapter 10: Information society and media Fees for rights of use and rights to install facilities Fees for Use of Frequencies Holder of approval for radio frequencies is obliged to pay a regulatory annual radio frequencies usage fee to the Agency, which is to be used solely for covering the expenses of frequency spectrum supervision and management. The Ministry prescribes methodology and manner of calculation of fees level Fees for use of frequencies allocated to broadcasting are paid to electronic media regulatory authority pursuant to the Electronic Media Law and regulations based on this Law Fees for Use of Numbers One-off registration fee Holders of aapprovals for use of numerations and/or addresses ar eobliged to pay a regulatory annual fee to the Agency, which is to be used solely for covering the expenses of supervision and managing of numerical and address resources. M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Administrative charges in Electronic Media Law Chapter 10: Information society and media Administrative charges in Electronic Media Law Article 44 non-recurrent registration fee, which is determined based on the amount of actual AEM’s costs incurred in the registration process An AVM service provider shall pay the following annual fee: annual broadcasting fee; or annual fee for provision of on-demand AVM services Annual broadcasting fee is based on: size by coverage zone (population covered) attractiveness of areas within the coverage zone type of electronic media (radio or television broadcasting) transmission platform Annual fee for provision of on-demand AVM service is based on: the fixed amount determined by the size of the area of service provision for the period until the end of the calendar year in which the operation commenced the annual revenues of service provider accrued on that ground over the previous calendar year for the current year, provided that the fee amount does not exceed 5% of such revenues. M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Amendment to rights and obligations Chapter 10: Information society and media Amendment to rights and obligations Article 80 – Radio frequencies The Agency may, ex officio, amend a radio frequency approval if: Allocation Plan, Frequency Assignment Plan, or regulations pertaining to the conditions for the use of radio frequencies are amended; there is a public interest that cannot otherwise be met the need for amendment arises for the reason of efficient use of radio frequency spectrum harmful interference or excessive emission cannot otherwise be eliminated amendment is required by the international regulations whose appliance is obligatory in Montenegro Article 80 gives a detailed procedure of amending a right of use for radio frequencies Article 90 – Numbers and addresses The Agency shall not ex officio amend previously issued approval for use of numerations and/or addresses in case of changing or appending the Plan on Numeration and Plan on Addresses 30 days after the change enters into force approved numerations and/or addresses shall be replaced by the same quantity and type of resources with real deadlines for implementation which cannot be shorter than 6 months M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Proposal of Law on Electronic Communications Chapter 10: Information society and media Proposal of Law on Electronic Communications and amended provisions of the Authorisation Directive General authorisation and specific conditions Article 46 – Written application Article 49 – Rights derived upon written application Article 54 – Procedures related to right of way Specific obligations M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
Proposal of Law on Electronic Communications Chapter 10: Information society and media Proposal of Law on Electronic Communications and amended provisions of the Authorisation Directive Right of use radio frequencies and numbers Approval for radio frequencies is issued upon request of undertaking Article 104 stipulates in which cases individual rights of use of radio frequencies may be granted Article 105 stipulates the procedure for limiting numbers of rights of use Article 106 defines public tender procedure (auction or beauty contest – enveloped bid) Right of use of radio frequencies allocated to broadcasting services are granted in line with provisions of the Electronic Media Law Articles 115 to 121 stipulate the following: Duration of approval Temporary approval – experimental use of radio frequencies Extension of approval Transfer of rights Amendment to approval; Revocation and termination of approval M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 10: INFORMATION SOCIETY AND MEDIA
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