CAN WE USE CRN OBSERVED LST AS GROUND TRUTH FOR GOES-R VALIDATION? LAND TEAM GOES-R AWG Annual Meeting. June 14-16, 2011. Fort Collins, CO CAN WE USE CRN OBSERVED LST AS GROUND TRUTH FOR GOES-R VALIDATION? Konstantin Y. Vinnikov (University of Maryland), Yunyue Yu (NOAA/NESDIS), Mitchell D. Goldberg (NOAA/NESDIS) Dan Tarpley (Short & Associates), Ming Chen (IMSG), Kevin Gallo (USGS), Chuck N. Long (PNNL) Statistical assessement based on two year observation at three colocated CRN and SURFRAD stations and GOES-10 LST data 1276 Clear Sky hours Raw Error in HOURLY SURFRAD LST computed using 2 observations: (15 min+45min)/2. Mean=0.1 K, σ=0.3 K. Adjusted σ=0.1 K Raw Differences in HOURLY LST CRN - SURFRAD Mean=-1.8 K, σ=1.1 K. Adjusted σ=0.7 K GOES10 – SURFRAD Mean=-1.8 K, σ=1.1 K. Adjusted σ=0.9 K GOES10 - CRN Mean=-0.1, σ=1.4 K. Adjusted σ=0.9 K Diurnal/Seasonal cycles in observed LST estimated from 2004-2005 observations at SURFRAD, CRN & GOES10 σ=0.1 K Estimates of Standard Errors of Clear Sky LST measurement: SURFRAD 0.5 K CRN 0.5 K GOES-10 0.7 K Question: CAN WE USE CRN OBSERVED HOURLY LST TO VALIDATE GOES-R RETRIEVED CLEAR SKY LST? Data: COINSIDED 2004-2005 LST OBSERVATIONS AT CRN, SURFRAD & GOES-10 AT LOCATIONS OF THREE SURFRAD STATIONS: DESERT ROCK, NV FORT PECK, MT BONDVILLE, IL Preliminary Answer: YES, WE CAN. σ=0.7 K σ=0.9 K σ=0.9 K . Your Questions should be addressed to: Communicating author: Konstantin Vinnikov, University of Maryland, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, College Park, MD 20742. E-mail:, Phone: 301-405-5382. Related publications: Konstantin Y. Vinnikov, Yunyue Yu, M. K. Rama Varma Raja, Dan Tarpley, Mitchell D. Goldberg, 2008: Diurnal-Seasonal and Weather-Related Variations of Land Surface Temperature Observed from Geostationary Satellites. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, doi:10.1029/2008GL035759. Konstantin Y. Vinnikov, Yunue Yu, Mitchell D. Goldberg, Ming Chen, and Dan Tarpley, 2011: Scales of temporal and spatial variability of midlatitude land surface temperature. J. Geophys. Res., 116, doi:10.1029/2010JD014868.