Using music for rapport building and to provide opportunities for success Haley Welsh, MT-BC
The Reason or Purpose for Music in Most Cultures Ethnomusicologist: Alan Merriam - 1964 Music as an influence on physical response Music to validate social institutions and religious rituals Music as a form of communication Music to contribute to the continuity and stability of culture Music as a form of emotional expression Music to contribute to the integration of society Music as symbolic representation Music for aesthetic enjoyment Music to enforce conformity to social norms Music for entertainment
Music as a Therapeutic Tool To facilitate the Therapeutic Relationship: Can reflect the current mood or state Familiar music can facilitate a connect with a patient Culturally specific music can ease cultural assimilations Music can create a nonthreatening, supportive environment
Stereotypes and Music Music and Relaxation Personalize a playlist Not all children listen to children’s music Meeting the person where they are at… Iso principle “Those dang kids and their music”
The Structure of Music Familiar music is predictable As a Transition As a teaching tool Hello Song Music Intervention Good Bye Song
Music to provide opportunities for meaningful movement Increase motivation for and compliance with physical exercise Daja video
Haley Welsh, MT-BC 412-420-2499 Questions Haley Welsh, MT-BC 412-420-2499