The slide that follows this slide is the template you must use The slide that follows this slide is the template you must use. Do not delete the “Love the Language!” title please! Type your information/riddle/pun over the words on the slide. You may delete this slide and the two that follow the template before saving. Save the file with your first name and last initial as the new filename. Email it to me at the address on slide #3.
Love the Language! Type part 1 of your riddle or pun here. Type part 2 here. Add graphic(s) and feel free to move the text around. Type your name here.
Love the Language! To submit your slide for Monday Pun-Day or Language Fun-Day, you must: Use this PowerPoint slide template I have provided at my website. Do not add background colors, sound effects, or change the font style. You must pose a question, riddle, or observation, then bring in the “joke” or answer using animation—as you can see with the slide that follows this slide. You must have a classroom appropriate visual on the slide. You must include your name at the bottom of the slide so I know whom to give credit to. You must email your slide to me at [type your email address here] so I can display it for the class.
Love the Language! Question: What did Delaware? Answer: She wore a brand New Jersey! Press space bar to reveal answer!