Deryk Whyte, President ITS New Zealand Smart Transport Solutions: Saving lives, time, money, energy and the environment
Influential world trends Contents What is SMART Transport?Are we ready? What can we expect to see? 2
3 The term intelligent transportation systems (ITS) refers to information and communication technology applied to transport infrastructure and vehicles that improve transport outcomes. What is Smart Transport? ITS provide a comprehensive real-time, data-driven capability for designing and implementing policies and operational strategies for traffic, public transport, and urban planning. (Source : Frost & Sullivan)
4 What is Smart Transport?
5 A Smarter Planet - Australia/New Zealand IBM Social Media
6 What is Smart Transport? Technology to implement a smart transport system is available today All around the world, economic stimulus is being injected by governments, much of it aimed at smart grids, healthcare, data integrationand crucially, smart transportationto improve the systems that make our world work. Samuel J. Palmisano, Intelligent Transportation Society of America, 2010 Annual Meeting & Conference, Houston, Texas, May 5, 2010 Samuel J. Palmisano, Intelligent Transportation Society of America, 2010 Annual Meeting & Conference, Houston, Texas, May 5, 2010
Contents Are we ready? What can we expect to see? 7 What is Smart Transport?Influential world trends
Imagine if all the objects in the world had all the information that they needed to function optimally. Buildings would adjust themselves according to the temperature. Ovens would cook things for exactly the right time. The handles of umbrellas would glow when it was about to rain. Source The Economist It will link – apart from individual people – millions of devices, such as sensors, that will enable us to manage our environment, infrastructure, and our society as a whole much more efficiently. Source: Internet Mobile & Wireless Broadband and Media Smart Infrastructure, 2011 Influential world trends 8
as computers and cell phones continue to pervade our daily activities and as millions of networked sensors are being embedded in these devices (as well as in automobiles, smart meters, and other machines), the amount of data available for analysis is exploding. Source: McKinsey Global Institute A retailer embracing big data has the potential to increase its operating margin by 60 per cent. We estimate that the potential global value of smart routing in the form of time and fuel savings will be about $500billion by Source: Korean Times December 2011 Influential world trends 9
We have become a social networking culture, and this behaviour is permeating every area of our lives. Even solo activities like using search engines is becoming socialized, as is shopping, travel, education and even work. Source, 2012 Influential world trends 10
11 Influential world trends Social Media Revolution by Erik Qualman
We are capturing data in unprecedented volumes, by 2015 global IP traffic will reach the zettabyte threshold ( Thats a 1 followed by 21 zeros). Source: CISCO June 2011 Influential world trends 12 Its all about the data! The important aspect of this is not how much data there is. The important point is what it could tell us. We need to move from Big Data to Smarter Data. Source: McKinsey Global Institute
Influential world trends Contents What is Smart Transport?Are we ready? 13 What can we expect to see?
CVHS will reduce accidents and improve the performance and efficiency of existing road infrastructure while reducing fuel use, emissions and congestion. What can we expect to see? 14 Cooperative Vehicle Highway Systems Road Users of the future will have access to all necessary information at all times, irrespective of mode, in order to provide informed travel choice and options as the journey unfolds. Source: Connected vehicles are the third-fastest growing technological device, behind smartphones and tablets. Source: Toyota Motor Sales USA 2012
What can we expect to see? 15 Autonomous Car Cars that drive by themselves can aid the handicapped, reduce congestion and remove human error thus improving road safety. Driverless trucks, operating as road trains, can gain up to 20% fuel savings due to reduced air drag. In 2010 Google built a fleet of 7 self- driving cars collectively traversing 140,000 miles. Just about every traditional car maker is now developing its own self driving model.
What can we expect to see? 16 It's a sad statement about the direction that western society is heading, but it's a reality nonetheless. Being able to use drive times to do work, spend time with family, or simply relax is a clear potential benefit of having an autonomous car. The trend towards autonomy will become a juggernaut fuelled by social computing and companies such as Google that see the potential of the dashboard as the next expansion of the web Turn the corner Bern Grush Transport Technology International June/July 2011
What can we expect to see? 17 Connectsafe Wireless Vehicle Communication System - University of South Australia
Influential world trends Contents What is Smart Transport? 18 Are we ready? What can we expect to see?
Are we ready? 19 But, during the next 5 years NZ may find it increasingly difficult to embrace new worldwide Smart Transport trends and technologies…unless Implemented effective traffic management tools in Auckland and Wellington. Started to provide innovative national traveller information services. Implemented effective traffic management tools in Auckland and Wellington. Started to provide innovative national traveller information services. In NZ we have successfully
Are we ready? 20 These are the basic building blocks, that must be in place, in order for us to take advantage of any smart transport initiative being implemented throughout the world. Identify a lead agency capable of embracing Smarter Transport initiatives, an agency who can… Provide us with a clear vision and strategy Establish and agree on common data standards and architecture Collaborate and cooperate with a diverse range of stakeholders to ensure we successfully implement integrated smart transport solutions Identify a lead agency capable of embracing Smarter Transport initiatives, an agency who can… Provide us with a clear vision and strategy Establish and agree on common data standards and architecture Collaborate and cooperate with a diverse range of stakeholders to ensure we successfully implement integrated smart transport solutions We identify a leader
Are we ready? 21 Smart transport is in everyones interest: it can save lives, time, money, energy and the environment whilst also addressing our Governments current transport policy focus of Economic growth and productivity, value for money, and safety Smart transport is in everyones interest: it can save lives, time, money, energy and the environment whilst also addressing our Governments current transport policy focus of Economic growth and productivity, value for money, and safety In conclusion
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