St Luke’s Church of England School Newsletter 15 April 2016 Message from Mrs Tyler It was lovely to welcome everyone back after the Easter break. We are looking forward to the term ahead and you will see below an updated ‘Dates for Diary’. Thank you to the staff and the PFA for putting on so many different activities. The children do work very hard at school, so it is wonderful that we can provide these extra enrichment events in order to give them a good all round education. As you know, our website contains a great deal of information about the school. We hope you find it useful - we are always happy to have your feedback, so do let us know if you think we have made any mistakes or you think something is confusing. May I draw your attention to the Safeguarding page of the website, where we have our most up to date Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, links to Camden’s and the Government’s websites and information about online safety. Next month we are holding an Internet Safety Day, which will be led by the Camden Learning Centre – the day will start with a talk for parents about how you can help to protect your child online. As you will see in the ‘News from KS2’, the children were excellent ambassadors for our school when they visited Regent’s Park Mosque earlier in the week. Thank you KS2 for giving us such a great start to the term! Parking I am sorry that there is nowhere to park outside our school. I understand how frustrating this is for the few parents who have to drive to school. However, please do not park on the double yellow lines at the end of the road nor across our neighbours’ driveways when you drop your child off. There tends to be more space to park further up the road towards Kidderpore Gardens. I have spoken to Camden and Barratt again this week in an effort to secure a dedicated drop off zone in front of the school. Reception Class Golden Book Aleya for learning her odd and even numbers and counting in 2s. Aaron for encouraging others to join in his games and play fairly. Maths Monkey Tommy for sorting numbers into odd and even. KS1 Class Golden Book Rokaya for great writing, with excellent spelling and punctuation. Nasser for using different strategies to work out fractions. Maths Monkey Ludovica for great understanding of fractions in word problems. The school is to be used as a polling station on Thursday 5th May, for the 2016 London Mayoral Election and London Assembly Elections. This means that, for security reasons, the school has to be closed to children, although the staff will be working that day. I am sorry for any inconvenience this late notice may cause. KS2 Certificate of Merit Year 3 Ata for asking some superb questions during our visit to the mosque. Year 4 Daniel for using his reasoning skills in Maths. KS2 Maths Mascot George for knowing all of his times tables. The PFA are hosting a Table Top Sale on Friday 22nd April after school at 3.30pm. Please bring in any donations of toys, books, household items or clothes to sell from Monday. If you would like to help set up, run or clear away the event, please see Michelle Bell, Mae’s mum, who is the PFA chair. There will be a PFA Meeting on Monday at 9am – all welcome. House points: Love 655 Faith 492 Hope 683 News from Reception We have had a great start to the summer term with lots of opportunities to be outside enjoying the sunshine! This week we have been using the book ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ to base our writing, art and understanding of the world on. The children have produced some lovely descriptive writing, made beautiful painted butterflies and are beginning to learn about the butterfly life-cycle. The children also practised writing the days of the week and the number names up to 10. Throughout the week the children learned about odd and even numbers and began using this knowledge to count in 2’s. They are also very excited to be using ‘Year 1’ style exercise books for some of their writing and maths, although we are still making every opportunity to learn through practical and play-based activities.
2015-16 and 2016-17 term dates are on the school website. News from KS1 Welcome back! This week we have really enjoyed hearing and reading all about the children’s Easter holidays. The children wrote their recounts focusing on using the past tense and a range of conjunctions to make their sentences longer. Next week we will be writing stories based on Aesop’s Fables, in preparation for the Camden writing moderations, where our teachers will compare their assessment judgements with other Year 1-4 teachers across the borough. You might like to look up some of the fables online. In Maths we have been consolidating our knowledge of fractions. Year 1 have concentrated on halves and quarters. Year 2 have been working out halves, quarters and thirds; they have also worked out three quarters and two thirds! Next week we are going to be working on place value, which you may want to practise at home. In other subjects we have begun looking at the story of David and Goliath in RE and we have started to look at different sorts of maps in Geography. News from Lower KS2 It has been really lovely welcoming everyone back this week and hearing about the children’s Easter holidays. We started the week by analysing some of Aesop’s fables. Year 3 and 4 took a different fable and have worked on adapting each story to make it their own – I was pleased with the results. In Maths we have been using and applying our multiplication and division skills. It has been great to see that so many children now know their times tables off-by-heart and can happily use them to help with their calculations. Our school outing to the Regent’s Park Mosque was excellent. The children were an absolute delight to take, with many people at the mosque and on the bus giving us compliments about their behaviour. Next week the children will start learning about the Vikings, so it may be worth going to your local library or bookshop. Please note the KS2 sport dates we published on our website at the start of the year were given to us by the organisers – the Camden School Sports Association. However, as we only have Years 3 and 4 at our school, we are not eligible to enter some of their competitions. We have been assured that the summer dates published below are for competitions which will be open to Year 3/4 teams from St Luke’s. Dates for Diary (Spring term) 2015-16 and 2016-17 term dates are on the school website.