GRP 1 Wk 4 HFW Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Final Check 1. three 2. thing 3. keep 4. please 5. little Statutory words 6. aggressive 7. amateur 8. ancient 1) Practise your spellings every evening (check, cover, write then check). 2) Write your spellings out in a complete sentence in your homework book (Don’t forget to check punctuation ).
WALT: spell words ending in –ible GROUP 2 Wk 4 WALT: spell words ending in –ible Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Final Check 1. terrible 2. legible 3. incredible 4. visible 5. possible Statutory word list 6. appreciate 7. attached 8. available 9. average Topic vocab 10. growth 11. development 12. propaganda 13. recount 1) Practise your spellings every evening (check, cover, write then check). 2) Write your spellings (at least 10 of them) out in a complete sentence in your homework book. Don’t forget to check punctuation.
WALT: spell words ending in –ible GROUP 3 Wk 4 WALT: spell words ending in –ible Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Final Check 1. legible 2. illegible 3. accessible 4. comprehensible 5. sensible Statutory word list 6. appreciate 7. attached 8. available 9. average Topic vocab 10. growth 11. development 12. propaganda 13. recount 1) Practise your spellings every evening (check, cover, write then check). 2) Write your spellings (at least 10 of them) out in a complete sentence in your homework book. Don’t forget to check punctuation.
Words ending in -able The –able suffix is more common than –ible. The –able ending is usually but not always used if a complete root word can be heard before it – e.g. enjoyable, dependable, reasonable. If the –able ending is added to a word ending in –ce or –ge, the e after the c or g must be kept ( changeable, noticeable)
Words ending in -ible The –ible ending is common if a complete root word can’t be heard before it but it also sometimes occurs when a complete word can be heard (e.g. sensible). possible/possibly, horrible/horribly, terrible/terribly, visible/visibly, incredible/incredibly, sensible/sensibly