Barometer of Public Opinion March 2009 ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
Is our country moving towards a right or a wrong direction? ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
Is our country moving towards a right or a wrong direction? ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 To what extent is the Republic of Moldova touched by the global financial crisis, in your opinion? ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 Do you or does anyone in your family feel affected by the global financial crisis? ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 To what extent are you, in general, content with your living? (one response) ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 To what extent are you, in general, content with your living? (one response) ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
Assess the present income of your family ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
Assess the present income of your family ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
Assess the present income of your family ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
To what extent are you concerned about politics? ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 Does the people’s will rule in the Republic of Moldova, in your opinion? ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 Are the elections free and fair in the Republic of Moldova, in your opinion? ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
Index of Political Stability (Gallup International) Does the people’s will rule in the Republic of Moldova? Yes No Are the elections free and fair in the Republic of Moldova? Yes Yes Pillars of democracy Yes No Deceived No Yes Observers No No Discontent ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
Index of Political Stability In an „ideal” democracy, everybody says Yes-Yes (all are „yes-sayers”!), and such a situation is defined by Gallup International as an ideal Political Stability; in fact, things are different, and the groups of citizens formed depending on the response are non-empty. Gallup International defines the groups as follows: „Yes Yes” Pillars of democracy „Yes No” Deceived „No No” Discontent „No Yes” Observers Index of political stability (GI) = %( Pillars of democracy) + %(Deceived) - % (Discontent) ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
Index of Political Stability (Gallup International) Does the people’s will rule in the Republic of Moldova? Yes No Are the elections free and fair in the Republic of Moldova? Yes Yes Pillars of democracy 28.5% Yes No Deceived 19.0% No Yes Observers 4.0% No No Discontent 48.5% ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
Index of Political Stability (Gallup International) General = -1.0 Urban = -13.0 Rural = 8.5 ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
Index of Political Stability (trends) ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 Which is the most important source of information for you? (two options, total) ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
Which TV channels do you get informed from the oftenest? Basis: 733 respondents for whom TV is one of the most important sources of information ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
To what extent do you trust in …? No trust / Not so much trust / Some trust / Very much trust ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
Which political personality do you trust in the most? (open question) ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
To what extent do you trust in the following political personalities? I have not heard about I No trust I Not so much trust I Some trust I Very much trust ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 Will you go to voting, if parliamentary elections were held next Sunday? ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
Has anyone in your household gone abroad in search of a job? ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
Rate of participation in elections The total number of households is approximately 1.1mln, i.e. at least 280 thousand of people who have the right to vote are abroad Estimations for the third term of 2008: 350 thousand of emigrants (National Bureau for Statistics, polls migration) ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 What party would you vote for, if parliamentary elections were held next Sunday? Procente din total esantion ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 If a referendum on the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union was held next Sunday, would you vote for or against it? ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009
©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 If a referendum on the accession of the Republic of Moldova to NATO was held next Sunday, would you vote for or against it? ©Institutul de Politici Publice, 2009 24 martie 2009