CPSC 203 Library session Jennifer Lee jelee@ucalgary.ca Librarian for Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Design, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics & Astronomy jelee@ucalgary.ca library.ucalgary.ca October 2018
“Big search box” Searches through *almost* everything that we have (e.g. most of our databases, our subscriptions, and for our books, journals and things we own.)
The Big search box supports Phrase searching (“ “) AND, OR, NOT (case-sensitive) Implied “and” Wildcards (uncommon for the Big Search Box) ? replaces one character * replaces one or more characters Parentheses () to group terms, e.g. (“Wayne Gretzky” OR “The Great One” OR “Number 99” OR “Number ninety nine”) NOT hockey
Phrase searching
Grouping terms using parentheses
Synonyms The Big Search Box uses a built-in synonyms file
Request a book
New privileges: library.ucalgary.ca/borrowing
Interlibrary loan Direct link to the Interlibrary Loan form
Databases Reminder: Safari Tech Books Online!
Browse by title or subject, or search if you know the database name
Interlibrary loan from a database This is what you would see if you clicked a database full-text link and the library did not have the item
Spaces and “lots of other stuff” Bookable workrooms Digital Media Commons & Lab NEXT Makerspace One Button Studio Editing suites Spatial and numeric data Workshops Nickle Arts Museum, Special Collections
Bookings: to book workrooms Workshops: to see the workshops calendar Services links: Archives Digital Media Commons & Lab NEXT Makerspace One Button Studio Editing suites Spatial and numeric data
Other libraries
Librarians and speaking to a human
library.ucalgary.ca/ask/?group_id=14767 https://lcr.ucalgary.ca/consultation