L.A. Hamel1, M. Benoit1, B. Dönmez2, J.R. Macri2, M.L. McConnell2, T. Narita3, J.M. Ryan2, M. Whidholm2 1 Département de Physique, Université de Montréal 2 Space Science Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham 3 Departement of Physics, College of the Holy Cross
2N instead of N2 channels Rely on good charge sharing between X and Y Previous model (225 m pitch) has shown poor sharing Improved simulation for device optimization
interaction sites from GEANT4 Energy deposited at each site is supposed a small 3-D Gaussian e-h distribution
Field maps from Comsol multiphysics. Results shown for the 225 µm model, with a grid.
Weighting potentials
To download the animation : www.lps.umontreal.ca/~mbenoit/R12-6.zip
225µm model
225µm model
225µm model Experimental Result (Co 57) Simulated result 122 keV, Co57
225µm model Ba-133 Cs-137
150 microns pitch
150µm model Co-57
Combination of repulsion, diffusion, trapping, and accurate field and weighting potentials yields to better predictions Reproduces results for 225 µm pitch Predicts good sharing for 150 µm pitch